Post #9 DUE DATE EXTENDED - until March 31st, by 11:59 PMPost #9 on ‘Whose Responsibility is it?Pick a leg of the Three-Legged-Stool of Democracy that we talked about in class (that I've mentioned

PR2: Proposal Report

Project Name:

Proposal Author Name and Student number:

Campus and Tutor:

  1. Project Description (3 marks)
    1. Opportunity/Problem 1 mark

Note that this is NOT a research project, proposals of research projects will not be accepted.

Provide a brief description of the project, including

  • The problem or opportunity that this proposed project aims to address. (Make sure this is specific and narrow).

    • What is the problem/opportunity – homelessness has many facets – target one aspect? (Describe the need being addressed, not the solution)

    • Who is the key stakeholder or stakeholder group? (Don’t just say homeless people – where? Specific age/gender? Specific need? Or is it a specific homeless service located in your suburb? Or is it students at risk of becoming homeless or others?

    • Where is your problem / opportunity targeted (Global / Australia or another country/ or another state / a specific city e.g. Melbourne or a specific suburb e.g. New farm in Queensland?

    1. Proposed Project 1 mark

Provide a brief description of what the project hopes to achieve.

Ensure that your project is realistic considering the project constraints (your team, the length of the term and cost).

You have the option to attempt to develop a highly creative innovative solution to your problem which will only be executed to prototype stage OR propose a project that you could complete beyond a prototype stage that would deliver a positive social impact (regardless of size or innovativeness) within the given time constraints of the term.

    1. Strategic Alignment 1 mark

Justify why your project should be prioritized by describing how it aligns to:

  • the CQUniversity Strategic Direction 2017-2027

  • the PPMP20019 Unit Learning Outcomes.

Strategic Direction

Project alignment

(a) The CQUniversity Strategic Intent 2017-2027

(b) Unit learning outcomes

  1. Alternative (1 mark)

Briefly describe an alternative solution [different to what you are proposing in section 1.2], which would still address the same opportunity or problem. Provide a reason why the proposed solution (in 1.2) is preferred to this alternative solution.

  1. Stakeholders (4 marks)

Briefly describe four key stakeholders or stakeholder groups, the category and the impact that the project will have on each stakeholder (NOT the impact the stakeholder will have on the project), should it progress.


(Of Stakeholder or stakeholder group)


Note whether a Sponsor / User / Supplier / Other

(if other – specify how you would categorize the stakeholder)

Role in Project

(Describe the stakeholders specific role in this project)

Project Impact to stakeholder

(Describe how the stakeholder will be impacted if the project was to proceed).

  1. Project Approach (2 marks)

Include key activities that will be undertaken by your project team and which week of term the activity will be completed. Note –refer to assessment list to ensure relevant items (e.g. Gallery) are included in the activity schedule below.


Activity Name


(Week of term to be completed)

  1. Resources, Cost & Funding Source (2 marks)

Resources Required

Identify the resources required and the category (Human / Physical / Overheads). Overheads include items such as means of travel to workshops, use of computer rooms and standard software licensing etc. Your project team consists of the members in your group, note each as an individual resource in the table below (including yourself).

You need to execute your project to prototype or beyond, therefore the resource requirements should be realistic and obtainable by your team in the following weeks.

Cost and funding source

Suggest the cost of each resource required for the project, based on information currently available; and identify any potential funding sources. Again be realistic about funding – it is unlikely that you will get a grant or find a venture capitalist to fund your project within the time allocated.



(Human / Physical / Overheads).


Funding Source

  1. Ethics and Risk Management (3 marks)

Read CQU’s Risk Management Framework and Guidelines and comment on how the following risks might apply to your project and if so how will you manage those risks.

Risk Category

Considerations for this Project

Potential to occur or impact should it occur in this project including explanation. Do not simply state high / low etc. explain how the category is related to the project you are proposing. If you believe the category does not apply to your project you will also need to provide an explanation as to why it is not a consideration for your project.


Strategy to manage the risk including how you will comply with relevant policies and procedures (also include the specific name of policy / procedure and the web link).

A threat to safety (physical or emotional)

Breach of legal or contractual or ethical responsibility (including deficiencies in financial or property controls, fraud or academic misconduct)

Unethical engagement, client dissatisfaction and/or unfavorable publicity

Most significant threat to achieving the project objectives and provide a realistic mitigation strategy to treat the threat.

Non research project

I confirm that this project will NOT require the collection of data from humans for the purposes of research.


  1. References

Make sure that your references comply with APA style and that all references and in-text references map to each other. These references will be checked to ensure they are applicable to the information they are used as references for. Falsification of references is deemed academic misconduct.

CQUni Project Management Framework Page 0 of 5