1.Discuss the process of critical analysis to find a proposition. - Identify as many of the steps as you can. (and cite and reference correctly)2. Many newspapers, including USA Today, have a regular


Week 5 Assignment

Star Student

Week 5 Assignment

Describe what this will be about. Two or three sentences would probably suffice

Your Paper’s Subject

Introduce material here… This is generally one paragraph. The easiest way to explain this section is to think of it like an abstract or introduction. This section, if written properly, can actually act as the abstract for this paper. It will, in a sense, set up the rest of the paper, which is the review of the case, analysis, recommendations, and the summary and conclusions sections. Remember, each case study must have the heading listed below and must be answered according to instructions; each heading is worth a percentage of each case grade. Also, remember, your audience is like a roommate – Intelligent, educated, but has NO IDEA about the subject about which you are writing, so you will have to explain it fully.

The subject of your paper may include any examples from the news media, history, or personal experience on how emotions influence decision making. Make sure you narrate this very clearly. This is one of those assignments in which the first person WILL be used. Do NOT use the first person plural (i.e., “we,” “our,” and so forth) unless that group is CLEARLY identified.

Emotions in Decision Making

For this part, explain how emotions affect decision making.

Emotions in Your Paper’s Subject

Here I want you to explain how the above concepts are applied to your particular chosen subject.

Summary and Conclusions

This section will tie together. This section will generally be one to two paragraphs. Notice the paper has a continuous flow; there are no page breaks between sections. The only page breaks occur between the title page and the introduction and the summary/conclusions and the reference page. All references for the case study must appear on a separate page, see the following page for an example). The total should be 800 to 1,000 words not including the title page or the reference page. Two peer-reviewed sources are expected, as well as the textbook(s).



Bazerman, M., & Moore, D. A. (2013). Judgment in managerial decision making (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Reike, R. D., Sillars, M. O., & Peterson, T. R. (2013). Argumentation and critical decision making (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

You must also provide a reference for all sources used to support the case study. (Note: As a minimum, the textbook(s) and two additional peer-reviewed sources will be used and referenced.)