For many, social media has become the way we communicate with our family and friends and a way to learn new information. Social media is a way many learn about current health problems as well as publi

DPH 485 Social Media Assignment

**Answer the questions below for EACH social media campaign listed on Canvas**

  1. Was the campaign segmented for a certain population? If so, who was it for?

  2. Was the campaign action-orientated? If so, what behavior was being promoted?

  3. If the campaign was more knowledge-orientated, what changes could be made to the messaging to promote behavior change?

  4. Was the content easy to understand? Do you think if a person had limited literacy skills, they would be to understand what was being discussed in the posts/tweets?

  5. Were the graphics appropriate (For Facebook campaigns only)?

  6. Did the posts/tweets encourage readers to take a particular action or learn more?

  7. Do you see were there could be improvements in the campaign to appeal to the target population?