Assignment: Paraphrasing and QuotingIn this module, you discovered that adhering to standards of academic integrity has value for you personally and professionally as a special education scholar-pract

Paraphrasing and Quoting Exercise Template




Topic of Interest:

Select three different and current articles related to your topic of interest to complete this exercise.

Assignment: Paraphrasing and QuotingIn this module, you discovered that adhering to standards of academic integrity has value for you personally and professionally as a special education scholar-pract 1

Current Article # 1: Paraphrase

APA citation as it would appear in the Reference List:

Paraphrase a brief synopsis (1 or 2 paragraphs) of this article. Include the appropriate APA in-text citation for a paraphrase.

Assignment: Paraphrasing and QuotingIn this module, you discovered that adhering to standards of academic integrity has value for you personally and professionally as a special education scholar-pract 2

Current Article #2: Direct Quote

APA citation as it would appear in the Reference List:

Write either a defense or a critique (1 or 2 paragraphs) of this article, using a direct quote (less than 40 words) to explain why it is scholarly or not. Keep in mind that quotations must be set up or introduced. They rarely stand alone as full sentences, but are incorporated into existing sentences. Each quote must be explained, including its significance within the context of the paragraph or study. Include the appropriate APA in-text citation for a direct quote.

Assignment: Paraphrasing and QuotingIn this module, you discovered that adhering to standards of academic integrity has value for you personally and professionally as a special education scholar-pract 3

Current Article #3: Block Quote

APA citation as it would appear in the Reference List: 

Write a brief paragraph about the article and include a block quote (40 or more words). The block quote is in the context of the paragraph. Use the correct APA in-text citation for a block quote

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