I need help with this assignment. The selected population is high school students and the chosen theory is Social Cognitive Career Theory. I must also refrence my book: Niles, S. G. & Harris-Bowlsbey,

Running head: ASSIGNMENT FIVE 0

Assignment Five


Class and Section Number

Assignment Five

Provide a 3-5 sentence introduction to the paper. NOTE: you do not have to follow this outline. This is only an example of how you can organize your paper to cover all the required points. There are plenty of other ways to write this paper and cover all the required points.


In narrative form address each of the below rubric points. In other words, describe the guiding theory in a paragraph. Be thorough!

Target Population

Describe the target population and about 3 specific needs of that population (description of the needs or presenting concern of your target population (e.g., enhanced self-awareness) based on research and guiding theory). Back these up with references and be thorough.


Make a strong case for why the theory is appropriate to guide you development of a program for this population. Be specific use examples to back up your points. Use references as appropriate.

Program Objectives

Finish this section up with a closing paragraph that introduces the program objectives as they relate to the points you made in the rationale. Don’t go crazy and pick too many. 2-3 is fine. Remember to use measurable outcome objectives (it will make your life soo much easier in your assessment section later in the paper). Google “bloom's taxonomy objective verbs” The entire above section (under the level one heading to here) is worth 50 points!











50 pts

Includes information about guiding theory chosen for the assignment and relevant research regarding the needs of selected population. Theory chosen is appropriate for target population and rationale for program objectives based on theory are provided.

Includes information on theory chosen with 1-2 researched needs of target population. Rationale for program objectives based on theory are present but may not all be developmentally appropriate.

Includes some information about theory and/or research on target population. Program objectives are vague and/or do not relate to needs of population.

Missing guiding theory for program design. Rationale given for objectives is vague or does not relate to theory. No researched population needs presented.

After you finish this section, delete all my above notes and the rubric prior to submitting.

Program Design

Now you will talk about your program. Design your intervention based on the theory you selected above. In 3-5 sentences briefly introduce you program “To address the aforementioned program objectives this program was designed to……”

Resource List

One at a time list each resource you need for the program and describe the resource. Discuss why each resource is needed. You could even address costs and a budget if you wanted to go above and beyond.

Length of Program

Present a timeline here for program delivery. How long is the program, what time of year will it take place. Use a reference to back up why the length of program is appropriate for your population.

Meeting Topics and Rational

This is the nuts and bolts of your program. This level two heading will likely be a good deal larger than your other sections here since you are describing your program. Walk us through the program. Important: Use references to back up why your program looks the way it does and connect it to student needs. For example, if you state that in the first phase of you program the topic will be _____. Discuss why you selected that topic based upon student needs… Make sense?

Program Design

50 pts

Program should be logical and include:

  • Complete list of resources needed

  • Length of program

  • List of meeting topics and rationale

Content missing one of 3 required design elements OR rationale for meeting topics unclear

Content missing two of 3 required elements and/or rationale for meetings does not fit.

Program plan does not include required elements. Meeting justification is vague or missing.

Now review you writing against the rubric and assignment and make sure you didn’t miss anything in this section. Next, delete everything I wrote above


Start by restating your objectives with a brief introduction to remind the reader what your assessments will be assessing. Next, I would suggest you create a level two head for each objective.

Assessment of Objective One

Under each of your objectives you could state the instrument or instruments, a rational for selecting it, and a description of the quantitative or qualitative assessment for use with population (e.g., Career Decision Scale). Now, you don’t need two instruments for each objective, but you can use two if you want. When it comes to the rubric requirement of using at least one quantitative and at least one qualitative method of collection that means make sure at least one of each is present when we look at your assessments across ALL of your objectives. You do not need one of each in every objective.

Assessment of Objective Two

See objective one

Assessment of Objective Three

See objective one


The section is not as complicated as you think. It is mostly you describing the logistics behind how you would go about collecting the data for each objective. I will refrain from giving any more tips here because I want you to think about this section logistically. Ok, I can’t help it, for example, you could support this section with a sequential timeline of when and how you will be collecting each section of data for you course objectives while using the assessments you just talked about earlier. If you really want to be awesome you can talk about how you would analyze the results and why you strategically selected to use certain types of process, perception, and outcome data.

Communication of Results

Discuss how you will distribute results and to whom. Discuss which results go to different individuals if not the same. For example, you might provide students with the results of a career instrument they took to understand career preference while you might present the data you collected on the program objectives to the principle or board.


50 pts

Program includes both quantitative and qualitative forms of assessment. Selection, description, and rationale for assessment provided. Plan for communicating and interpreting results provided and is age appropriate.

Methods/.models for evaluation of program included.

Program includes both quantitative and qualitative forms of assessment. Selection, description or rationale is not provided. Plan for results dissemination may not be suitable for population.

Program evaluation methods included.

Only one for of assessment is provided. Selection, description, and rationale are discussed and plan for results dissemination are provided.

Program evaluation methods vague or unrelated.

Assessment not discussed or selection, descriptions, and rationale are too vague to understand justification for selection.

Does not include methods/models for program evaluation

Cross reference to rubric against the above section you wrote. Also look at the instructions to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Then delete everything I wrote.

Critique of Program Design

You are almost done. Don’t be getting tired on me now, finish with a strong final section. Provide an introduction to transition from the previous section to this one. 3-5 sentences.

Program Strengths

First thing is first, for each strength, issue, or obstacle you list in these sections, full describe it and back it up with two specific examples. Thus, this is an issues of quality over quantity. Remember to use the words “for example”. You are much better off describing three strengths of the program with two examples for each strength in depth rather than listing 10 strengths will one sentence descriptions and a one sentence example. Both would take up the same amount of space, but the first method will score a lot more points.

Potential Issues

Different from Obstacle to Success, these are “potential obstacles” rather than clear cut obstacles that you saw from the beginning of the program (Described below). This section is about anticipating the unexpected. Follow the same strategies as listed below. In either this section or the one below consider cultural barriers.

Obstacles to Success

Different from potential issues, these are clear cut obstacles you saw from the beginning and new they would occur. After you state and describe the obstacle, one example could be how that obstacle specifically applied to you program and the second example could be an example of how you would address the obstacle. Remember to use the words “for example”.

Critique of program design 30pts

Content includes thorough critique of program design including potential strengths, issues, and obstacles with specific examples related to each.

Content includes some critique of program design including potential strengths, issues, and obstacles. Eamples not specific

Content includes critique of program design but lacks specific examples or is unclear.

Content lacks critique of program design.
