I need help with this assignment. The selected population is high school students and the chosen theory is Social Cognitive Career Theory. I must also refrence my book: Niles, S. G. & Harris-Bowlsbey,

CNDV 5323 Career Development

I need help with this assignment. The selected population is high school students and the chosen theory is Social Cognitive Career Theory. I must also refrence my book: Niles, S. G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, 1Week 5 Assignment Rubric: Career Intervention Program Design 200pts











50 pts

Includes information about guiding theory chosen for the assignment and relevant research regarding the needs of selected population. Theory chosen is appropriate for target population and rationale for program objectives based on theory are provided.

Includes information on theory chosen with 1-2 researched needs of target population. Rationale for program objectives based on theory are present but may not all be developmentally appropriate.

Includes some information about theory and/or research on target population. Program objectives are vague and/or do not relate to needs of population.

Missing guiding theory for program design. Rationale given for objectives is vague or does not relate to theory. No researched population needs presented.

Program Design

50 pts

Program should be logical and include:

  • Complete list of resources needed

  • Length of program

  • List of meeting topics and rationale

Content missing one of 3 required design elements OR rationale for meeting topics unclear

Content missing two of 3 required elements and/or rationale for meetings does not fit.

Program plan does not include required elements. Meeting justification is vague or missing.


50 pts

Program includes both quantitative and qualitative forms of assessment. Selection, description, and rationale for assessment provided. Plan for communicating and interpreting results provided and is age appropriate.

Methods/.models for evaluation of program included.

Program includes both quantitative and qualitative forms of assessment. Selection, description or rationale is not provided. Plan for results dissemination may not be suitable for population.

Program evaluation methods included.

Only one for of assessment is provided. Selection, description, and rationale are discussed and plan for results dissemination are provided.

Program evaluation methods vague or unrelated.

Assessment not discussed or selection, descriptions, and rationale are too vague to understand justification for selection.

Does not include methods/models for program evaluation





Critique of program design 30pts

Content includes thorough critique of program design including potential strengths, issues, and obstacles with specific examples related to each.

Content includes some critique of program design including potential strengths, issues, and obstacles. Eamples not specific

Content includes critique of program design but lacks specific examples or is unclear.

Content lacks critique of program design.





Mechanics 20pts

Adheres to APA 6th edition guidelines. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. One additional reference other than textbook is included.

Adheres adequately to APA 6th edition guidelines. Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

One additional reference other than textbook included.

Adheres somewhat to APA 6th edition guidelines. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Does not include additional reference.

Little or no use of APA style guidelines. Numerous grammatical and punctuation errors.

Does not include additional reference.