InstructionsPlease used attached outline for content.This course has introduced and assessed many noteworthy figures related to the continuing evolution of the United States and its place within the w


Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) impact in the field of litigation

George Landry

Columbia Southern University


An Outline

Title: Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) impact in the field of litigation, social system and economy

Thesis: Louis Brandies in his writing and publication and as well as active lawyer and Supreme Court judge changed the American attitude and laws about the need to retrain corporate power. His influence was significant in the economy as he fought for monopolies, defends labor laws and in the creating policies to address poverty. Louis contribution led to what is now known as public interest law and still, he contributed to the female worker's rights on a number of hours women could work which changed the aspect of litigation until today.

1. Introduction

    1. A brief description of Louis Brandeis in the economy and in American laws system

    2. Thesis: Louis Brandies in his writing and publication and as well as active lawyer and Supreme Court judge changed the American attitude and laws about the need to retrain corporate power. His influence was significant in the economy as he fought for monopolies, defends labor laws and in the creating policies to address poverty. Louis contribution led to what is now known as public interest law and still, he contributed to the female worker's rights on a number of hours women could work which changed the aspect of litigation until today.

  1. Background Information

    1. Brief History of Louis Brandeis

    2. The achievement he made during his early life.

  2. Louis Brandeis as authors and publisher

    1. Other people money and how the bankers use it

    2. Brandeis on democracy and other books

  3. Brandeis Arguments on democracy and economy

    1. Brandeis view on progressive governance

    2. Democracy or economic concentration.

    3. A key activist as an antirust agent

    4. Women rights advocates

    5. Policies to address poverty

  4. Modern contributions of Louis Brandeis in economy and law

    1. The argument of Louis Brandeis transformed the aspect of considering women as inferior being.

    2. Open doors for women to compete for a position in the corporate world

    3. The Louis Brandeis contribution to law system transformed gender judgments cases.

    4. The equal protection of the law to all genders was adopted.

  5. Conclusion

    1. The thesis:

    2. Summary of the Brandeis contribution in legal matters, social system, and economic system.

    3. Brandeis modern contribution which acted as a paradigm shift in the legal system, economy, social system.


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