Please see attached files 



Please read the research article located in this assignment folder. Then answer the questions on these pages. You might need to look up one or two answers in your text book.

Place your answers in the drop box provided in this folder.


  1. What is the definition of glycemic index?

  1. For the people in the group using a low carbohydrate diet, what was the number of carbohydrates consumed per day?

  1. What other factor besides the low-glycemic index foods did the other group restrict themselves to?

  1. Who funded (paid for) this study?

  1. How many people started in the clinical trial? What percent of them dropped out by six months?

  1. What was the researcher (Dr. Eric Westman) trying to demonstrate by this trial?

  1. Which group had the greater reduction in hemoglobin A1c?

  2. Which group reduced their need for insulin more?

  3. Which group lost more weight?

  4. Which group had a decrease in their levels of LDLs?

  1. What does Westman say is the key point coming out of this trial?

  1. What did Dr. Eckel of the American Heart Association say was missing from this study?

  1. For the next question, there is no right or wrong answer:

Do you think that the fact that the study was funded by a low-carbohydrate diet program business might have influenced the way the study was done or the outcome? Why or why not?