Chapter 17 presents 10 Key Values for Assessment. Explore each of them in your own words by answering the “Ask yourself” questions after each value section. Do this utilizing a professional team y


Jennifer L. Callahan

Doctor Hellen Hassell


April 7, 2019

Scholarly Journal 3c


10 Key Values for Assessment

Chapter 17 presents 10 Key Values for Assessment. Explore each of them in your own words by answering the “Ask yourself” questions after each value section. Do this utilizing a professional team you have intimate knowledge of (past or present). Finally, outline TWO values to target for improvement with this based on problematic answers you gave to the ask yourself questions. However, in this process, you must use at least TWO of the key Team Effectiveness components (i.e. activities, etiquette, participation, etc.) described in Chapter 18 in order to outline a plan as to how you would target and design your intervention to improve your team’s value base AND its overall performance.

  1. Competence

    1. Does the team value competence? Do members of my team possess a triumvirate of skills, at least? If not, what improvements are needed?

  2. Awareness

    1. Are all team members aware of our collective purpose, goals, and norms as well as each other’s roles and responsibilities? IF not, what improvements are needed?

  3. Active Participation

    1. Do members of my team actively participate in our activities and initiatives? IF not, what improvements are needed?

  4. Cohesiveness

    1. Is my team cohesive? If so, is my team aware of the danger of groupthink? If not, should we discuss it?

  5. Commonality

    1. Does my team have a commonality? If so, how is it helpful? If not, what improvements are needed?

  6. Commitment

    1. Is my team committed to our purpose, goals, and tasks? If not, what improvements are needed?

  7. Communication

    1. How well do my team members communicate with one another Does our communication produce desired outcomes? If not, what improvements are needed?

  8. Independence Versus Interdependence

    1. How interdependent is my team? To what extent do my team members rely on each other for support and input in decision making? Are team members independent or empowered to make decisions? If not, what improvements are needed?

  9. Camaraderie

    1. Is there camaraderie among my team members? What do we do to maintain it?

  10. High Energy

    1. What is my team’s energy level? Are my team members productive and eager?