6-2 Final Project Milestone Four: Improve TollgateInstructionsFor this milestone, you will apply the fourth step of the DMAIC cycle to your selected problem or process and document your results in the

QSO 360 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Apply the fourth step of the DMAIC cycle to your selected problem or process and document your results. Develop possible solu tions to address the root causes you have identified. Additionally, you w ill discuss the risks associated with each possible solution and create an implementation plan for those solutions. Revise the project charter as required; outline the feasibility, cost, and effect of each proposed solution; and d evelop your implementation plan. Note: For the purpose of this project, you will not collect and analyze any data. However, if you had the chance, what data w ould you collect and how would you summarize the results? In the appendix of the toll deck is a road map describing some of the ways to review and present the data you have collected. Prompt: Complete the Improve Tollgate PowerPoint slides using your text and the following instructions: Slide One Refer to Milestone One. Slide Two Refer to Milestone Three. Make revisions as necessary. Slide Three Use this tool to determine most appropriate solution for your selected problem. List each solution in the Proposed Solution column. Determine the following for each proposed solution: A. How feasible it is? In other words, how quick ly can this be implemented? Place the corresponding number from the top row in the Feasibility column for the specific row. B. Repeat A for how effective this solution would be in eliminating the problem. C. Repeat B for how costly it would be to implement. Ca lculate the rating of each solution (final column) by multiplying all three columns (Feasibility x Effect x Cost). Develop the implementation plan for the solution with the highest number or best choice. Slide Four Use this tool to determine the risk as sociated with the process change: 1. List the key steps in the Process Step column. 2. In the What Can Go Wrong column, list the potential failures, each on a separate row. 3. Reference your text for review before completing the Severity, Occurrence, and Detect columns. 4. Multiply the Severity, Occurrence, and Detect columns together to determine the RPN number. 5. For the highest RPN numbers, list in the Action column what action will be taken to mitigate the risk. Slide Five Use this tool to list the implementatio n plan tasks, person/team responsible, and due dates. Review Appendix at the end of the tollgate. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. Develop possible solutions to address the root causes of the problem you have identified. Logically justify your proposals with specific evidence of how they will effectively meet the stated goals of the project. B. Then, assess the risks associated with each possible solution and describe how you will mitigate those risks. Illustrate your mitiga tion strategies with specific, compelling examples. C. Finally, create an implementation plan for the possible solutions you have developed. Be sure to illustrate your plan with detailed examples that acknowledge all resource, scope, and timeline restraints. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Complete the Milestone Four Template and submit it to Brightspace for grading. Critical E lements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (65%) Not Evident (0%) Value Improve: Solutions Develops appropriate possible Discusses possible solutions to Does not discuss possible solutions to 30 solutions based on the selected address the root causes, but not all address the root causes of the hypothesis tests to address the root are appropriate or based on problem or process deficiencies causes hypothesis tests Improve: Risks Assesses the risks associated with Discusses the risks associated wi th Does not discuss the risks associated 30 each possible solution and proposes each possible solution, but there are with each possible solution risk mitigation strategies gaps in logic Improve: Proposes an implementation plan Discusses an impl ementation plan, Does not discuss an implementation 30 Implementation Plan encompassing the possible solutions but fails to fully encompass the plan for the possible solutions that specifically addresses resource, possible solutions or specifically scope, and timeline restraints address resource, scope, and timeline restraints Articulation of Submission has no major errors Submission has major errors related Submission has critical errors related 10 Response related to citations, grammar, to citations, grammar, spelling, to citations, grammar, spelling, spelling, syntax, or organization syntax, or organization that syntax, or organization that prevent negatively impact readability and understanding of ideas articulation of main id eas Total 100%