Think about the Non-Alcoholic business you are developing and you described in week 1 discussion. As part of the business plan, you will be required to conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,

Running head: WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 0


BUS 599 Week 1 Discussion



BUS 599 Week 1 Discussion

NAB company name is Sparkling drinks. A major reason for operating under the name “Sparkling Drinks” is that customers have an impression about the quality of products offered. Since the term Sparkling has a close association with good things, it is likely that will be convinced of the good products offered for sale. A short-term goal of Sparkling drinks is to become a leading supplier of bottled water in Charleston SC and the surrounding cities. A long-term goal is to penetrate the US non-alcoholic beverage industry and acquire a considerable market share.

Sparkling drinks will offer three types of bottled water namely pure spring water, aqua water, and valley spring. Apart from the utilization of advanced technology in production, quality assurance processes will help guarantee product quality. Sparkling drinks will also place much emphasis on improved customer service in an effort to gain competitive advantage over other industry players.

Sparkling drinks mission statement is, “To provide quality bottled water at environmentally sustainable levels by applying technology and outstanding processes to the delight of customers” Sparkling drinks will also focus on building a sociable, pleasant, and enjoyable environment by providing a wide range of quality non-alcoholic drinks. This is in line with the views of Twarowska & Kąkol (2013) where they mention the need for businesses to create and deal in products that make the consumers feel relaxed and sold at reasonable prices.


Twarowska, K., & Kąkol, M. (2013). International Business Strategy-reasons and forms of expansion into foreign markets. Poland: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 55.