Complete your third Critical Incident (CI) report this week.  Critical incidents are significant events, happenings, occurrences,  confrontations, or other experiences that have a strong impact on y


MGMT-470: Business Management Capstone

Weekly Status Report & Reflection


Project / Company:

Transformational leadership

Tasks / Work Completed

(describe the actual work, tasks, and accomplishments or issues of the week)

This week the focus was on streamlining the communication process.

The approach used was on bench marking the contribution of different companies to research.

I was able to inquire from 5 researchers who have been using companies as their population of study

To find out the challenges they ever went through in communication.

Remarkably, at the end of the inquiry, I had already gotten some insights on how to make the data collection process effective.

Goals and Essential Competencies Achieved

(per your Learning Contract)

The goal was to identify the communication proficiency challenges one may experience as a researcher.

I realized it is important to advocate for the respondents, who are in this case the employees, to adhere to the code of conduct and give honest information regardless of the impact it will have to the reputation of the company.

It is from the evaluations we make that wrong decisions are revised and fixed for business benefit.

Learning Contract Update

(Describe your progress on your Learning Contract deliverables)

As researcher, I have learned that there are various ethical dilemmas that may influence the decision of an employee.

There is need to use the mixed method approach where different styles are used to correct data and its credibility established before it is used for decision-making.

Employees will always protect the reputation of the organization they work for as long as there is a good relationship with the leadership team


(How do you feel about your week? Are you accomplishing what you need to? What issues are you facing, etc?)

So far, am doing great with the project and I cannot wait to start working on the project’s data collection. With the things am learning in preparation for undertaking the project, am sure that the results will not only be credible but will be accurate enough to influence the decision of many organizations on what leadership approach to use. The challenges I came through are reaching out to the researchers who were a bit reluctant to give me some advice. In addition, it sounds a little bit challenging to convince an employee that they should tell you the negative and positive things about their company. However, the different data collection approaches such as confidential questionnaires are effective tools to protect the source of information and have credible data to analyze and give reliable recommendations.