6 paragraphs totalSO WHAT: Why is this information important for us to know about. Why do we need to know about the ideas and themes in the chapter in 3 paragraphs.NOW WHAT: What will you do with thi

Reflection #1

WHAT: What was the chapter about? Share key terms, ideas in the chapter. Describe and define key terms, ideas and themes from the chapter in 3 paragraphs.

This chapter talks about the history of human species, and children development. Also, how human developed, and how children development has been changing over time due different aspects. Furthermore, it talks about how people been measuring children development with different methods. According to Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species”, human share the same ancestor as chimpanzees, and gorillas. But due to the process of natural selection, human brain has become larger than the others. Later on, human have learned different skills to survive, and they pass it on till now.

However, children development was not important at the beginning of the civilization. There’s a lot of reason causes it, such as population, incomes, culture, gender, social class, ethnicity, etc. The world population began to grow 10,000 years ago, the total fertility rate in developing country is much higher than in developed country. Poverty in one of the most important reason why a lot of children don’t have a chance to go to school and is one of the aspects that separated urban and rural. Children in developed countries have better education, unlike in developing country a lot of the children stop at elementary. But the fertility rate has dropped over the decades, the percentages of children getting educated have risen rapidly.

Moreover, until the mid-20th century, people have realized the importance and emergence of child development. Psychologists have come up with important terms/stages of children development, which is Prenatal Development, Infancy, Toddlerhood, Early childhood, Middle childhood, Adolescence, and Emerging adulthood. And importantly, child development is based on the five steps scientific method, which is “Identify a research question, propose a hypothesis, choose a research measurement and design, collect data, and draw conclusions”. At the end, it explains why people study child development worldwide.

SO WHAT: Why is this information important for us to know about. Why do we need to know about the ideas and themes in the chapter in 3 paragraphs.

NOW WHAT: What will you do with this information. How will you use it in your work as a early childhood educator/teacher. What specific aspects will you apply to your work environment and to your own personal life as well in 3 paragraphs.