Match the following terms with their definitions:

a. Implied contract

b. Mirror image rule

c. Consideration

d. Bilateral contract

1. A common law principle requiring the acceptance to be on exactly the terms of the offer.

2. An agreement based on one promise in exchange for another.

3. Bargaining that leads to an exchange between the parties.

4. An agreement based on the words and actions of the parties.


1. Mehdi, a newspaper editor, walks into the newsroom and announces to a group of five reporters: “I’ll pay a DH2,000 bonus to the first reporter who finds definitive evidence that President zuzu smoked marijuana at the celebrity party last Friday.” Ali, the first reporter to produce the evidence, claims his bonus based on

a. Unilateral contract.

b. Express contract.

c. Quasi-contract.

d. Implied contract.

2. Radi has finished the computer installation he promised to perform for Thami, and he has paid him in full. This is

a. An express contract.

b. An implied contract.

c. An executed contract.

d. A bilateral contract.

e. No contract.

3. At Leila’s 90th birthday party, she gives a speech to the 25 guests, praising her maid, Alia. “Alia has worked faithfully for me for 55 years. In appreciation, next week I am going to give Alia DH100,000.” Alia is ecstatic, but next week, Leila changes her mind. Is Alia entitled to the money?

a. Yes, provided the witnesses agree she made the promise.

b. Yes, provided Leila intended to make the gift.

c. Yes, because there is adequate consideration: Alia’s work and Leila’s promise.

d. No, because there is no adequate consideration.

4. Ali sees an ad in the newspaper, with a beautiful sweater pictured: “Versace sweaters, normally DH600, today only: DH300.” He phones the store and says that he wants two sweaters, a black one and a gray one. When he arrives at the store, the sweaters are sold out. He sues, based on a contract. Ali will

a. Lose, because the store never made an offer.

b. Win, because he accepted within a reasonable time.

c. Win, because there was a meeting of the minds.

d. Lose, because he needed to accept in person.

5. On Monday night, Leila is talking on her cell phone with Bilal. “I’m desperate for a manager in my store,” says Leila. “I’ll pay you DH45,000 per year, if you can start tomorrow morning. What do you say?”

“It’s a deal,” says Bilal. “I can start tomorrow at 8 a.m. I’ll take DH45,000 and I also want 10 percent of any profits you make above last year’s.” Just then Bilal loses his cell phone signal. The next morning he shows up at the store, but Leila refuses to hire him. Bilal sues. Bilal will

a. Lose, because the agreement was not put in writing.

b. Lose, because Leila revoked the offer.

c. Lose, because he rejected the offer.


1.Treaties with Foreign Governments are not sources of American law. T F

2.The legislative power has the power to enforce the law. T F

3. To be enforceable, all contracts must be based on gratuitous promises. T F

4. Without consideration there cannot be a contract. T F

5. Moroccan law is based on positive law only. T F

6. British law is based on civil law. T F

7. Oral contracts are not binding. T F


1. Anas is about to buy a house on a hill. Prior to the purchase, he obtains a promise from Bilal, the owner of the adjacent property, that Bilal will not build any structure that would block Anas’ view. In reliance on this promise, Anas buys the house. Is Bilal’s promise binding? Why or why not?

2. Jones, a minor, owned a 2007 automobile. She traded it to Stone for a 2008 car. Jones went on a three-week trip and found that the 2008 car was not as good as the 2007 car. She asked Stone to return the 2007 car but was told that it had been sold to Tate, who did not know that the car had been obtained by Stone from a minor. Jones thereupon sued Tate for the return of the 2007 car. Is Jones entitled to regain ownership of the 2007 car? Explain.

3. Ali calls Jilali and says, “I’ll sell you my bicycle for 325 dirhams. Interested?” Jilali says, “I’ll look at it tonight in the bike rack. If I like what I see, I’ll pay you three and a quarter in the morning.”At sunrise, Jilali shows up with the DH 325 but Ali refuses to sell. Can Jilali enforce their deal?

4. Mariam telephones Jilali and leaves a message on his answering machine, asking if Jilali would consider selling his vacation condo Oualidia. Jilali faxes a signed letter to Mariam saying, “There is no way I could sell the condo forless than DH 450,000.” Mariam promptly sends Jilali a cashier’s check for that amount. Does she own the condo?


1.What is meant by choice of forum?

2. What is meant by choice of language clause?

3. Sum up the talk you presented in class.