Post final of your proposal for final projects and annotated sources 1000 words only for both sources provided below. what did they say about Brokeback mountain?Use the sources belowFor the movie bro

Floods are the most expensive and common natural disaster in the United States. Since 1968, the Federal government has offered flood insurance, through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), to communities that agree to institute floodplain management practices meeting Federal standards.

Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the NFIP has been deeply in debt. Congress legislated changes to the program in 2012 and 2014, but the debate over the program continues. Since September 2017, when the program was due to expire, it has been reauthorized repeatedly for a few months at a time. The next reauthorization deadline is the end of May 2019.

Your task in Essay 3 is to provide a 6 to 7-page analysis answering the following question:

Is the NFIP a program worth supporting?

To answer this question, you must first decide who you are writing the report for. What perspective are you taking? Examples include

  • A member of Congress, who needs to vote on the bill. Choose a district and decide how the bill affects your constituents.

  • The private insurance industry.

  • The real estate industry.

  • An environmental activist concerned with development and its impact on natural

  • resources.

  • An advocate for low-income households.

  • A lobbying group. Choose a point of view and analyze the bill from that perspective.

  • These are suggestions; feel free to choose another point of view. From your chosen perspective, evaluate the NFIP.

  • As this is the final assignment, decisions about what material to include are up to you. Your paper should read as a stand-alone piece. Assume that you are presenting the material to individuals who do not know the program, and who rely on you to give them a complete, well- balanced discussion.

  • Conclude with your recommendation

  • Should the program continue?

  • If yes, would you recommend any changes? If no, what would you suggest in its place?

  • Feel free to use sources beyond the material covered in class. Cite your references carefully.