Please see attached. Project is for Hewlett Packard (HPE) internal controls.

Project 3

This discussion will focus on internal controls as it relates to Hewlett Packard (HPE) company as well as in a broader context.

  1. (a) Research Hewlett Packard to see if you can find any information/articles on internal controls, internal control weaknesses etc. over the last 5 years. If so, summarize the article in the first section titled, “Summary”. Provide your own thoughts and commentary about what you read in the second section titled, “Opinion”. In this section, give me your understanding of internal controls. Please do not give me a textbook definition of internal controls.

Include the link to your article at the end of your submission. Both sections need to be a minimum of ¾ to 1 page single spaced; 12 pt. font, one Inch margins.

  1. Have you been exposed to internal controls at your present or past employer or as a student or customer? If so, can you provide some details about the type of internal control you were subject to. Do you believe that internal control was effective in accomplishing its objective? If you are talking about your employment, do NOT mention your employer’s name or reveal any other details that will enables us to identify the organization as I want that information to remain confidential. However, you can mention the company’s name if you wish where you a customer or the college’s name be it UMUC or somewhere else. Provide details of at least two internal controls. You can write about more controls if you wish. This section needs to be a minimum of ¾ to 1 page single spaced; 12 pt. font, one Inch margins.

So, between Parts 1 and 2, your total write-up will be a minimum of 2 pages. So, to earn a higher grade, submit a more expansive report containing a robust response to the points raised above.
If you create any small charts, they will count for page space. Goal: tell the story of your company in the parameters described below.

Your write up must clearly show Parts I and Part 2. Within Part 1, you need to show the two sub sections noted above, namely, “Summary” and “Opinion.” These must be in bold lettering.

Within Part 2, you can create your own sub sections as you deem appropriate to clearly communicate your points effectively. Each sub section title you create should be in bold lettering.

Each of the five projects requires you to map out your message, for your supervisor, illustrating your mastery of concepts from our course as they relate to your SEC 10-K Company.