Need a draft paper and a final paper with 2 seperate dates.The first date being next Tuesday the 4/30 by noon.

Data analysis (2) Describes data analysis technique you plan to use, with information on the process (2) Describes data analysis techniques (1) Does not describe data analysis techniques (0) Reliability of Survey lnstrument (2) Chopter 9 Defines reliability, identifies steps your research team took to improve the reliability of your research instrument. (2) Either doesn't correctly define the reliability of a survey instrument or doesn't identify steps taken to improve the instrument's reliability (1) Does not appropriately define reliability or identify steps to improve it. (0) Validity of measuring instrument (2) Chapter 9 ldentify validity, identify at least one way that team assessed your survey instrument for validity (2) Either doesn't correctly define validity of a measuring instrument or doesn't identify steps taken to test the instrument for validity. (1) Does not appropriately define validity or identify steps to test for validity. (0) Ethical, social justice and diversity issues (3) Clearly identifies issues in allthree areas: ethical, social justice, and diversity. Discussion is linked to research project with actions taken to address these issues. (3) Clearly identifies issues in allthree areas: ethical, social justice, and diversity. Discussion is linked to research project, but does not include specific actions to address these issues. (2) ldentifies issues in two or less areas and does not clearly explain the issues or actions taken to address them. (0-1) Reference list/APA style (1) lncludes at least 5 references, with APA style used consistently and correctly throughout paper. (1) lncludes at least 4 references, with APA style used consistently and correctly throughout paper. (.5) lncludes less than 4 references and/or APA style is not used consistently and correctly throughout paper. (0) TOTAL POINTS Area Focus (total pts for section) Scoring Final pts given Research design (25) Sample (5) Clearly states L) population for your study 2)the sample and characteristics, 3) how sample was taken, 4) identifies the use of proba bi I ity/non-proba bil ity techniques, and 5) defines External Validity, identifies if sample can be generalized, and gives rationale. (5) Evidence of three of the five cha racteristics identified in "excellent" category. (3) Evidence of two or less characteristics identified in "excellent" category. (0-1) Research Method (2) ldentifies whether survey is qualitative or quantitative. Gives definition and describes how the researcher knows whether the study is qualitative or quantitative. (3) Evidence of two of the three characteristics identified in the "excellent" category. (2) Type of research method is not appropriate/does not fit the research (0) Type of Study - Explanatory, Exploratory or Descriptive (3) Clearly identifies type of study, provides a definition, and gives rationale. (3) ldentifies type of study but does not give clear rationale or definition (2) Type of study identified is not appropriate/does not fit the research. (0) Type of Research Question (4) 1) ldentifies if this is a Needs Assessment, Program Evaluation, or Practice Evaluation 2) Provides a definition, and 3)gives rationale. 4) lf a program evaluation, identifies whether it is a summative or formative evaluation, and 5) provides rationale. (4) Evidence of two of the three characteristics identified in the "excellent" category. ldentification of type of evaluation but incorrect/missing rationa le (2-3) Type of research question is not appropriate/does not fit the research (0) Data collection (2) Clearly describes data collection techniques and discusses strengths and weaknesses. (2) Described data collection techniques but does not clearly identify or discuss strengths and weaknesses. (L) Does not describe data collection techniques or identify strengths and weaknesses. (0-1) Excellent (pts) Satisfactory (pts) Poor (pts) Social Work 380 Social Work Research Methods, Spring2OL9 Research Methodology Paper: Grading Rubric Student: Agency Points: /35 Area Focus (total pts for section) Scoring Fina! pts given Excellent (pts) Satisfactory (pts) Poor (pts) Abstract (1) Clearly and concisely states 1)The purpose of the study, 2) The research question; 3)Who the participonts ore ond how they were selected; ond 4) The data collection method (7) Generally states the research question and methodology, but includes vague or confusing information. (.5) Does not clearly state the research question and methodology. lnformation provided is not helpful to the reader. (0) lntroduction (8) Problem statement (1) Clearly states the purpose for the research study in a single paragraph: Why does the Agency want this information collected? (1) lncomplete andlor unfocused. (0) Problem background (6) States the main topic and previews the resea rch methodology. Summarizes the literature review using all 5 annotated bibliographies Uses correct APA style to cite articles. Whot have you learned obout this topic from your ogency ond your literoture review? How does this informotion guide your reseorch project? (5-61 Clearly states the purpose of the research with rationale. (1) States the main topic but does not preview the research methodology or fully summarize the literature review. (4) No clear introduction of the main topic, research methodology, or summary of the literature review (0-3) Statement of resea rch purpose (1) States the purpose of the research but lacks clear rationale. (.5) Does not clearly state the research purpose or rationale. (0) States the purpose in a single paragraph, but is vague or not well- worded. (.5) diversity and exploring four identity crises in a community leadership program. How to manage conflict and hostilities during diversity discussions and trainings along with managing issues of resistance and stereotyping. Annotated Bibliogra phy Amy Ninteman King, E. B., Dawson ,J.F., West, M. A., Gilrane, V. 1., Peddie, C. 1., & Bastin, L. (2011). Why Organizational and Community Diversity Matter: Representativeness and the Emergence of lncivility and Organizational Performance. Acodemy of Monogement Journol, 54(6),1103-1118 doi : 10.546 5 I amj.2OtO. 00 L6 ln this journal it explains the reasoning that people from one ethic background may be less effective in serving people from another ethic background is that the positive regard automatically is credited to an in-group member and replaced by a disregard when diversity doesn't connect with the community diversity. lt also goes in to explain diversity within health ca re setti n gs, com m un ity diversity a nd organizational perform ances. Pless, N., & Maak, T. (2004). Building an Inclusive Diversity Culture: Principles, Processes and Practice. Journal of Business Ethics,54(2),129-147. doi:10.1007/sl055l-004-9465-8 It discusses diversity in the workplace and how it has played a significant role in the recent years. It discusses work environments where people from diverse backgrounds feel respected and recognized. Needing to develop a culture which involves four essential stages: The first phase focusing on raising awareness, building understanding and encouraging reflection. The second phase deals with the development of a vision to define the change direction. The third phase key management concepts and principles should be re-thought and the fourth phase. This is an action phase and focuses on Human Relations Management that helps implement change.

Dicks, M., Santoro,E., &. Teulan, S. (2015). Welcoming and celebrating diversity: The Uniting journey of learning on inclusive practice. Australasian Journal on Ageing,34,26-28. doi : 1 0. I I I I I ajag.l227 9 This article discusses steps being taken to move not for profit organizations in uniting LGBTI inclusive practice for older people. These include employment of a temporary full time LGBTI Officer, a survey conducted into the insights from people within the communities to ensure inclusive care services will be developed and the setting up of an LGBTI work group. Building partnerships, understanding the needs and challenges, workforce training and education.

Turner, C. S. (2015). Mentoring as transformative practice: Supporting student andfaculty div er sity. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass. This is for mentoring women and supporting diversity among students in higher education. Providing psychosocial benefits of mentoring and creating a strong support network and a collaborative learning environment. Brown, C. D., Snedeker, C. C., & Sykes, B. (1997). Conflict and diversiry. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. This book discusses diversity in the workplace and conflict management. It discusses the ethical issues in conflict and organizational culture for diversity. It discusses the politics of lggry; The purpose of this research is to determine how the Superior WI YMCA can improve its diversity and inclusivity effons within their programs and communiry. fnAl 6.(o {61er "n.,,-- le *pf Lv-"( "r}+t l/\, Procedurc: Survey - online and in person (Jessie witt connr,n *it'tnle$ :ff"*h.h dryf,fiiP*tur. or u qualitativeandquantitative. f&ftN4 ds?f

VII. o Discuss the ethical issues in your study and how you will address them. o Discuss the social justice issues in your study and how you will address them o Discuss the human diversity issues in your study and how you will address them Reference List (references must have been cited within the paper as well) ^+t44{- , l,_ Appendices (Informed Consent, Questionnaire) b ibt,o<6--t6 b^+ ta,n o;-L A kL)iA.-^^-Q- {eurazJ la tlw Au.d,Yrs oJ-o, + +n*- V,^t'-t*+ c^"-"L ru =*t ff.rt is a- ?o7-' l "l\ V At.,^"- \"J-l^z VJ,P"-L r:h t -J-f" I.--A> +- a.-'P+"r N,me Points of 35 I.

III Agency-Based Study Research Methodology Paper v-e+- 3rr"** . / Abstract (50-100 words; on sdparate paper) l'fnC-+ -- II. Introduction (1-3 pages) +l-o", g6.*f1*e-n- lirc (w^.,t, &*'h a/..[inc-l^r ,a/rg p;b A. Problem statement t^-.t+t.' k fnz-rnla(-rshrb. B. Problem background (here you tr,(<-a\-Grs*1ar, Sifazf6^,a must cite and silmmarize flfe 5 articlesfromyour anno t at e d b ib I i o gr aphy) C. Statement research purpose, questions and rationale - QVa."i'^l dw.'s; tn c^"..}--u.c- wsd a$nng u4 +\-- f**'1.',;;3il51*f,3,"'?'.',1,0',r, J u ,7rnc-*- 1. Population for your study 4ooo \ 2. Size of sample Lo o ( <,,-^tqX\ 3. Sample characteristics, including how sample will be selected -(-- F*) 4. Probability or non-probability sampling method (and how do youErow) [ 5. Ability of the study to be generalized (external validity) B. Type of Study 1. Research Method: QuglIajiye or Quantitative (Define and desuibe how you lcnow that this is the research method you are using.) 2. Type of study: Explanatory,E1Plora1lqry,D".@ (Define the type of study, and descriffow you kn-ow thai thts tffi tyf,e of study you are conducting.) 3. Type of research question: Needs Assessment, Program Evaluation, or Practice Evaluation (Define, and describe how you lcnow that this is the ' * .'r ff 7 :::; #Ltr Sl#:i 1 n .".-ative or S ummati ve ? (D efi n e, an d describe how you lcnow that this is the type of evaluation you are doing.) Research Methodology: a. Describe Suwc C data will use and the strengths and weaknesses of the data collection method Describe data analysis techniques you plan to use (Qualtrics, Qualitative analysis offocus group or interview responses) Discussion of the Reliability and Validity and the strengths and weaknesses of your specific data collection instrument -q, , ^. D. Ethical, Social Justice, and Human Diversity Issues b c ,1 (+-*t* q -[D l?\€* 1A^Y-) Analysis