need help with this is history easy


In your essay, include an introduction with a thesis statement and conclusion. Grades on the essay will be assigned based on three criteria, all of which are of equal importance. 1) Does the student answer all parts of the question and include a clear thesis argument around which the essay is organized. 2) Does the student use ample and precise historical evidence to back his or her thesis? 3) Is the essay well-articulated?

The essay portion of the exam (worth 50 pts) will include the following question to answer:

1) This semester we have explored the many definitions of freedom of minority groups living in America through the country’s history. Though many successful changes have occurred for minority groups in America, there is still great room for improvement and celebration of the diversity of this country. In an essay, compare the experiences of minority groups in two of the following eras that we have covered to how things are today. You could look at the experience of an individual minority group, or minorities as a whole. For example, you could look at the lives of African Americans in the Civil War/ Reconstruction era, then the 1960’s and finally today, or look at women in the 1800s, 1920s and today. You just have to discuss three eras total, including today (1970s to present).

Select two of the following eras covered in class to compare to today:

  • A New Birth of Freedom: Civil Was and Reconstruction

  • The Gilded Age

  • Clash of Cultures in the 1920s

  • The Great Depression and World War II

  • The Civil Rights Movement

  • The Rights Revolutions of the 1960s

  • The Culture Wars