Need a draft paper and a final paper with 2 seperate dates.The first date being next Tuesday the 4/30 by noon.

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Draft Paper

Amy Ninteman


The Superior WI YMCA is an organization that aims to integrate Christian Principles into practice for building positive spirit, mind, and body of all the individuals. The organization is open for all the individuals including children, women, and men. The organization believes that the best results and positive social changes directly depend on the investment made in the neighbors, kids, and health (‘Superirorymca’, 2019). Therefore, the organization aims to provide sufficient support to all the individuals achieve the best input in all these areas despite their religion, color, social background, income, age, or sex. The organization believes that their effort is valuable for nurturing confident children that will bring positive changes to the society for the collective benefits.

Problem Statement

The main purpose of Superior WI YMCA is to bring collective benefit to all the entities of the society despite their cultural background, age, color, or sex. However, the aim of the organization is achievable only by their goodwill. It means that if they fail to convince the targeted population regarding their aim, then they will not be able to meet their objectives in a broader spectrum (‘Superirorymca’, 2019).

Problem Background

Avatthi (2006), states that wilderness tipping and recreation do not always fall under the category of diversity. About 74 % of the outdoor participants involved in social activities are Caucasian. The young individuals going to the school usually come from a wide range of diversified backgrounds. These adolescent individuals are quite vulnerable relating to the viewpoint of mind due to their continued movement to the maturity stage.

Barnes-Drummond & Nazim (2006), state that one of the biggest challenges for such organizations is the need to develop a common perspective and respect to its employees in terms of diversity. It means that the organization must ensure that all of its employees are equally supportive and motivated to the inclusion of diversity in their programs. If by any mean, they focus to prefer any specific social class either intentionally or unintentionally, then the organization may face a strong set back making all of their efforts down.

Goodson & Phillimore (2008), states that a big challenge existing for the organization working for the provision of social benefits to diversified class is language and communication barrier. It is not possible for an English person to convince a Chinese for everything even if it is beneficial for the latter. Therefore, the organizations must make an effort to include various individuals in its team that are able to communicate positively with the targeted population to bring positive results.

Hofhuis, Van-Der-Zee & Otten (2011), states that the ethical and social practices adapted in various societies vary from one another in a large context. It is essential for the social organizations working to benefit the diversified community that it should provide specific regular training to its employees enabling them to deal with every social class in the way that is accepted by their society. If the team members fail to carry out actions in this regard, then they will restrain the organization to achieve the objectives and goals in the long-run.

Smith (2010), describes that if any social organization carrying out positive activities will be able to get positive support from young individuals. However, if any action or lack of action carried out by the organization opposing diversity, then it will bring more losses instead of any benefit. It means that social organizations need to identify all the positive activities to carry the potential to add value to their progress and aim to their achievement.

Statement Research Purpose, Questions and Rationale

The purpose of this research is to determine how the superior WI YMCA can improve its diversity and inclusivity efforts within their program and community.

The research questions associated with the research purpose include;

  • What are the areas that must be focused by the superior WI YMCA to achieve diversity in its actions?

  • What actions of the superior WI YMCA can prove to be beneficial for them in attaining the confidence and trust of the targeted population on their honesty and integrity to social diversity?

  • What actions can prove to be beneficial for the superior WI YMCA to improve its diversity and inclusivity efforts?

The research will benefit the WI YMCA to improve its efforts appropriately broadening the chances of putting Christian principles into practice for the sake of bringing healthy body, spirit, and mind for all the individuals. They will be able to strengthen the community efficiently using the development of the youth, healthy living, and social responsibility standpoint.

Research Design The population of the Study

The study will be carried out to the population of County that has almost 4,000 numbers. The study will collect data from the population to gain information relating to their standpoint and requirements from the superior WI YMCA.

Size of Sample

The sample is a subset of the population. It is essential for any study to select some individuals from the population for carrying study positively and appropriately. The rationale behind the sampling of the population is the convenience and effectiveness of data collection. It is not possible for the researcher to gain information from all the population due to its high size and number (Bondesson & Thorburn, 2008). Therefore, the sampling of the population will develop a mini population carrying similar characteristics of the complete population making it possible for the researcher to gather data from them and interpretation of the results gained from them will be sufficient for reaching the aims of the study accurately. Bondesson & Thorburn (2008) states that the sample size of the study must be sufficiently selected based on the total population so that they are able to draw the complete image of the population in a positive manner with respect to the research questions. For the same reason, the sample size of the study as per its population is 100.


Avatthi, R. (2006). Cultural Diversity Acclaimed but Social and Economic Diversity Ignored: The Case of Dalits in India. The International Journal Of Diversity In Organizations, Communities, And Nations: Annual Review5(5), 173-190. doi: 10.18848/1447-9532/cgp/v05i05/38805

Barnes-Drummond, D., & Nazim, Z. (2006). Diversity Management and the Legacy of Canadian Multiculturalism: Moving Towards a Critical Social Framework. The International Journal Of Diversity In Organizations, Communities, And Nations: Annual Review4(1), 0-0. doi: 10.18848/1447-9532/cgp/v04/38786

Bondesson, L., & Thorburn, D. (2008). A List Sequential Sampling Method Suitable for Real-Time Sampling. Scandinavian Journal Of Statistics35(3), 466-483. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9469.2008.00596.x

Goodson, L., & Phillimore, J. (2008). Social Capital and Integration: The Importance of Social Relationships and Social Space to Refugee Women. The International Journal Of Diversity In Organizations, Communities, And Nations: Annual Review7(6), 181-194. doi: 10.18848/1447-9532/cgp/v07i06/39510

Hofhuis, J., Van Der Zee, K., & Otten, S. (2011). Social Identity Patterns in Culturally Diverse Organizations: The Role of Diversity Climate1. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology42(4), 964-989. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00848.x

Smith, J. (2010). An Emotional Conceptualization of People and Diversity: Integrating Emotional Intelligence in Human and International Relations for Social Justice. The International Journal Of Diversity In Organizations, Communities, And Nations: Annual Review10(3), 1-14. doi: 10.18848/1447-9532/cgp/v10i03/39865