Expand this paperThis paper is an experimental report written by another member of our group. We are the same team, so we have the same data experiment results. I asked to expand a completely differen

To: Mr. Manager

From: Ivar Nielson

Re: Drill, Weld, Paint

This segment of information that has a review of the drill, paint, weld process. We have observed many factors in the system and will be reviewing their efficiencies. Between total cost, location utilization, and total time completion for given number of products will all be overviewed.

As for reference, I have attached a screenshot the information after running our simulation of your line. During out simulation we measured how long it too to complete 30 products. It would take approximately 130 hours to have the final 30th product leave the paint booth completed. At the end of working on 30 products, we averaged a cost of $93.80 for each project, this means a profit margin of $106.20 per project completed.

We also see a breakdown of utilization for each source as projects are passed on and completed.

% Operation

% Idle

% Blocked

Drill Area




Welding Area




Paint Booth




Looking at these number we have two bottlenecks during project, one at the end of the drilling area and a larger wait at the end of welding. This is because of the time distribution between sections. Painting taking the longest time of all sections begins to back products up once the first paint booth is in use.

What we could do to improve the process would be to add in a more efficient paint booth or add in another paint booth. This would eliminate the backup of projects and allow for a more consistent flow of projects. These solutions could eliminate the bottleneck and increase project efficiency.

Expand this paperThis paper is an experimental report written by another member of our group. We are the same team, so we have the same data experiment results. I asked to expand a completely differen 1