In an APA format paper, approximately 3-5 pages in length, address the following questions. (Please note that you will continue to write in the same document you completed for part 1 and 2 of this ass


Quantitative studies

Quantitative study one

The study is about organizational culture with particular emphasis to a hand washing culture by hospital staff with the aim of establishing whether such a culture helps in reducing if not doing away with hospital-acquired infections.


The study was geared at realizing whether there is a relationship between organizational cultures such as health workers thoroughly washing their hands the prevention of hospital-acquired infections. The study concentrated not only on health professions washing their hands but for the health professionals to adopt the culture of always washing their hands while working; for it to be an organizational culture.

According to the study, it was realized that indeed that there is a relationship between organizational cultural practices such as the emphasis on hand washing and prevention of hospital-acquired infections (De Bono, Heling & Borg, 2014). The more the emphasis and compliance among healthcare professionals when it comes to thoroughly wash their hands the less likely that hospital-acquired infections will happen.

The study design

The study is a non-experimental study as it involves the reviewing of literature on organizational cultural practices and their impact on the prevention of hospital-acquired infections. The study involved reviewing cases that touched on health acquired infections. Besides, the research team also looked at the literature on organizational cultures of hospitals and other health care centers and the impact of the organizational cultures on dealing with health acquired infections.

Internal validity of the study and External Validity of the study

In this case, internal validity refers to the pieces of evidence that help in supporting the cause and effects of the phenomena in our case study where the cause and the effect can occur together or where the cause comes before the effect. The only threat to internal validity that was noted in this study was history. A threat to internal validity that might have been present that the authors did not describe was the ambiguous temporal precedence. On the other hand, the threats to the external validity that were noted in the study included; the selection bias and the history effects. There was no threat to external validity that might have been present that the authors did not mention.


My PICOT population is the health workers in hospitals, and it is for that reason that I believe that the above study will apply to my PICOT population. Mainly because the study focused on organizational cultures of hospitals and healthcare centers where health professionals are affected by organizational culture.

Quantitative Study Two

The study was carried out in Bhopal city with the aim of assessing the attitude and knowledge of nursing staff and residents towards hand hygiene about reducing hospital-acquired infections.


The primary goal of the research was to assess the level of knowledge by health care professionals as in regards to hand hygiene about reducing if not doing away with hospital or healthcare center acquired infections. The team carrying out the research believed that most nosocomial infections were transmitted by health care professionals who did not properly wash their hands after their interactions with other patients.

The study involved 160 respondents. It was discovered that most health care professionals in the city were not aware or disregarded that they could influence the spread of hospital-acquired infections (Maheshwari, 2014). The conclusion of the study emphasized the immediate need for training on hand hygiene to trigger the start of an organizational culture that emphasizes the adoption of practices that lead to the reduction of nosocomial infections.

The study design

The study is a non-experimental study as it involves the research team carrying out a cross-sectional study. In the cross-sectional study, the research team analyzed the data collected from the healthcare professionals in regards to the attitudes and knowledge of hand hygiene.

Internal validity of the study and External Validity of the study

The only threat to internal validity that was noted in this study was maturation where the knowledge of the study group changed due to interaction with other parties. A threat to internal validity that might have been present that the authors did not describe was the mortality attrition; there were healthcare professionals who had received earlier training on hand washing and for that reason influenced the outcomes of the study. On the other hand, the only threat to the external validity that was noted in the study was the 'real world' versus the 'experimental world.' The healthcare professionals had the knowledge and correct attitude when it comes to hand washing, but they generally did not apply the knowledge in their day to day activities. There was no threat to external validity that might have been present that the author did not mention.


My PICOT population is the health care professionals, and it is for that reason that I believe that the above study will apply to my PICOT population. This is because the study focused on healthcare care professionals as well.


De Bono, S., Heling, G., & Borg, M. A. (2014). Organizational culture and its implications for infection prevention and control in healthcare institutions. Journal of Hospital Infection86(1), 1-6.

Maheshwari, V. (2014). A study to assess knowledge and attitude regarding hand hygiene amongst residents and nursing staff in a tertiary health care setting of Bhopal City. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR8(8), DC04.