In an APA format paper, approximately 3-5 pages in length, address the following questions. (Please note that you will continue to write in the same document you completed for part 1 and 2 of this ass


Falling in the Hospital

PICO Overview of Topic

The Elderly require close attention that is necessary for managing falling risks at their age. Their increasing population poses a great falling risk on the available resources in health care in the provision of quality medical facilities. A Growing number of older patients need more education and emotional support in order to manage their falling risks (Liu et al., 2016). Falling leads to limitations on a person's daily activities. Furthermore, this can lead to hospitalization or being transferred to a nursing home resulting in a poor quality of life.

However, falling risks emanate from several factors including having a history of falls, impaired mobility or cognition. Besides, some of these falling conditions are manageable in medical institutions. The hospitals have resources such as bed alarm that can help the older population to counter this issue of falling.(citations)

Aging population requires a variety of resources to help them control falling disorders. They need appropriate guidance and support in the management of their critical falling conditions. Family members, as well as hospital employees such as nurses, must ensure for the safety of older adults in the community. (citations)


The population that is on the verge of experiencing falling risks are older patients. Approximately, the number of older patients is increasing due to the increase in life expectancy. This leads to many older people to experience falling conditions. In the future, the hospitals have to set aside a budget to support the aging population with such a problem.(citations)


Bed alarms will be great a advantages benefits. The bed alarms will alert the nurses whenever the patient try to get out of bed or when the bed rails is not up this will alert staffs whenever there is a change in the position or when the patient almost falling off from the bed.(citations)

The health centers need to expose its staff to adequate training of using bed alarms to take care of older patients. When an alarm goes off, it gives a health profession an adequate time to rash to their patients before involving in the severe fracture. Nurses act as patients' advocates, and they have a responsibility of educating the family on the support needed to the older patients in society with this problem (Verma et al., 2016). These efforts aim to provide a quality improvement in healthcare services. It leads to a quality-based performance through proper management of the resources with corresponding older patients.


According to recent researches, hourly rounding is the procedure in which every time a employer either the nurse or nursing aide enters the patient room to determine their needs (Jefferson 2017). It helps the nurses to keep track of their respective patients with falling possibilities. This enables older patients to receive better care services in hospitals. Therefore, nurses will have a passion in their profession of helping older patients due to their falling risks. This eliminates neglect of the older patients in the health facilities, as each patient will be satisfied with his or her needs.


Older patients at risk of falling may incur severe injuries due to their critical condition. Fractures in the older population are because of falling leading to a massive number of older patients under nursing care. Serious fractures have resulted in a limitation of physical fitness, lack of mobility, isolation from the rest and even death to some members. Falling risks are critical conditions that require the attention of all individuals to improve the quality of life to the aging population.(citations)


Falling risks is a crucial matter that needs immediate concern to avoid such an instance in the future. Bed alarms have assisted the nurses mostly in monitoring their falling patients. This has improved the quality of services as opposed to hourly patrol of the nurses.


Jefferson R. S( 2017).Silicon Valley’s Answer to preventing fall

Liu, L., Stroulia, E., Nikolaidis, I., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Rios Rincon, A. (2016). Smart homes and home health monitoring technologies for older adults: A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 91, 44-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.04.007

Verma, S., Willetts, J., Corns, H., Marucci-Wellman, H., Lombardi, D., & Courtney, T. (2016). Falls and Fall-Related Injuries among Community-Dwelling Adults in the United States. PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0150939. doi: 10.1371