Assignment Textbook Finkelman, A. (2018). Quality improvement: A guide for integration in nursing. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

My name is Professor Cecilia Maier. I am one of the instructors for NR392, Quality Improvement in Nursing. There is no graded discussion in Week 1. Instead, you have a graded journal. The topic of the Week 1 journal is very similar to the topic of Course Project Milestone 1. Follow the rubric, and use the template provided for Week 1 Journal.

Your journal is due Wednesday of Week 1. Your instructor will provide feedback on your journal contents by Friday of Week 1, to help you do a great job on your Milestone 1. I want to take a few minutes to go over your Week 1 assignment, Milestone 1. This is part one of your course project.

This assignment is due Sunday, end of Week 1, by 11:59 PM Mountain Time. You can see that I have the Milestone 1 guidelines pulled up on the screen. You can find these guidelines by selecting Modules from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen, and then Week 1, Course Project Milestone 1.

Your instructor will approve your Milestone 1 topic, or direct you to make revisions and communicate the changes to the instructor. You will continue to use the approved topic for Milestones 2 and 3, because each assignment builds off the previous one to develop the entire project. Be sure to use the templates provided for you for each Milestone.

Before I continue, I have an important announcement. Professor Kendra Diesburg and I have completed each milestone assignment that will be featured in the three assignment helpful hints videos, posted throughout the session. To ensure that there is no unfair advantage, use of the topic central line-associated bloodstream infections, or CLABSI, is prohibited.

Do not use this topic for your course project. Using word-for-word information from the example is considered plagiarism and may be an academic integrity violation. The examples are meant to serve as a guide, and give you an idea as to the information that should be included. Remember that all submitted work must be original to you.

Now we can get started. The first section of the Milestone 1 assignment is nursing care issue and outcome. This is the section where you will put your selected topic as well as desired outcome. Please be sure to carefully read the assignment guidelines and rubric and note that workforce issues, such as staffing or the nursing shortage, are not appropriate for this assignment.

Please be sure to choose a topic that is nursing care related. Some examples include RN to RN handoff communication, or bedside report, medication errors, or falls. When developing your desired outcome, you want to ensure it contains a measurable component. Measurability ensures that you will be able to determine if an improvement has been made in the evaluation phase.

Looking at my Milestone 1 example, you can see that I have selected the topic of central line-associated bloodstream infections, or CLABSIs. For my desired outcome, you can see that I want to reduce the number of CLABSIs by 75% over the next 12 months. This section really is meant to be this simple.

You do not have to include any additional information other than your topic and the desired outcome. The next section of the assignment is details of the issue. [BLANK_AUDIO] Like the title says in this section, you will be providing details of your selected nursing care issue. What makes your topic an issue of concern?

Why is it important that this issue be addressed? What impact does it have on patients and/or staff on your unit or at your facility? Looking at my example, for the topic of CLABSI, I have written, a central line-associated bloodstream infection occurs when bacteria are introduced into the body via central line.

This can occur either during placement, or during the maintenance of the central line. Infections caused by central lines can be quite serious, as many patients with central lines are at an already increased risk for developing an infection. Infections associated with central lines are even associated with death. Additionally, CLABSIs cost the healthcare system hundreds of millions of dollars to identify and treat.

CLABSIs are preventable through meticulous attention to detail. Finally, we finish up with a section called Reason Issue Selected. This is where you state why you have selected this topic as your course project. What makes this topic important to you or your facility? In my example, I wrote, I selected this issue because at the January 2019 staff meeting, it was shared that my unit had an increase in the number of CLABSIs.

In 2017, we had five identified CLABSIs, and in 2018, we had ten identified CLABSIs. All infections were noted to be diagnosed greater than one week following placement, which my facility relates to maintenance rather than placement. This issue in the number of infections is significant, and a serious patient safety issue, as infection can spread rapidly in already compromised patients.

This concludes the Milestone 1 helpful hints video. I hope you have found this recording to be beneficial. Please be sure to contact your instructor with any questions or concerns. Thank you for listening.