A minimum 8 FULL pages of written content, a reference page. Format work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course

HRMT407 Human Resource Mgmt.
100 %


   4 pts

3.4 pts

3 pts

2.6 pts

 Did not attempt
0 pts


10 %


Places Abstract on a separate page & clearly summarizes the intent and content of the paper in 150 - 250 words


Abstract lacks clarity. Intent and content of the paper not well defined. Is either less than 150 words or more than 250 words.


Abstract is vague and does not summarize the intent or content of the paper well. Paper is either less than 150 or more than 250 words.


Abstract is present but, incomplete or ambiguous. Intent of the paper is obscure and confusing.

Did not attempt

Not attempted or provided.


15 % Provides a clear and concise reason for the paper and background into the problem.


Provides background research into the problem; states the problem clearly; justifies the study; explains the significance of the problem to an audience of non-specialists.


Provides some background research into the topic; describes the problem to be solved; provides some findings and reasons for the research.


Provides little background research into the topic; describes the problem to be solved; provides little findings and reasons for the research.


Student does not identify the purpose or provide background information for the paper. The introduction is vague and unclear in its purpose.

Did not attempt

Not attempted or provided.


35 % Discusses findings and conclusions in accordance with the research.


Presents precise and orderly explanation of findings in conjunction with the research despite personal opinions and ideas. Provides at least the minimum written content in accordance with assignment instructions.


Addresses the problem adequately but sometimes veers from the topic or subject matter or research. Provides at least 85% of the minimum written content in accordance with assignment instructions.


Does not addreess the problem statement effectively. Research does not support findings or arguments. Conclusions not clearly stated. Provides between 70% to 85% of minimum written content required.


Work is confusing and intelligble. Paper loses focus and does not address the subject matter. Rsearch is vage and confusing. Provides less than 70% of the minimum written content requirement.

Did not attempt

Not attempted or provided.


Summary or Conclusion
20 % Articulates findings in accordance with the research.


Restates the reason for the paper. Clearly and precisely articulates and summarizes findings and outcomes in accordance wit the research; regardless of personal views or opinions.


Does not restate the problem or reason for the paper. Presents a logical explanation for findings but missing key research points.


Attempts but does not clearly summarize the paper adequately or explain findings.


Attempts, but summary is confusing and lacks detail. Findings are unclear and lacks detail.

Did not attempt

Not attempted or provided.


Documentation & APA format.
15 % Paper is properly in APA style writing standards


Paper is written in proper APA format; includes at least the minimum number of references and sources; references are properly listed in the Reference section and properly cited in text.


Paper written mostly in proper APA format. Reference listing and citations contain errors but they don’t represent a major distraction. Provides at least 60% of the references required.


Student experiences difficulty with APA formatting and listing and citing sources and references. Provides at least 33% to 59% of required reference.


Some attempt to write in APA format, however student struggles with listing and citing sources in text. Less than 33% of required references are provided.

Did not attempt

No attempt to write in APA format; references and sources are not provided or not listed or cited.


Grammar and Spelling
5 % Submission if free of grammar and spelling errors


Paper is free or almost free of grammatical errors and writing mechanics.


Paper contains minor errors in grammar and spelling, but does not present significant distraction from the work.


Paper contains several grammatical and spelling errors that begin to distract from the work.


Paper contains many grammatical and spelling errors distracting significantly from the work.

Did not attempt

Paper contains so many errors in grammar and spelling that the intent of the paper cannot be understood.