Part 1: Communicating the Learning Objectives ChartObserve a grade level K-8 classroom during classroom instruction. During your observations, take detailed notes and identify the learning objectives

Part 1: Communicating the Learning Objectives ChartObserve a grade level K-8 classroom during classroom instruction. During your observations, take detailed notes and identify the learning objectives 1

Communicating the Learning Objectives

Part 1: Communicating the Learning Objectives Chart – Use this chart as a guide to determine the efficiency of how the teacher communicated the learning objective to the class.

Grade Level



Critical Attributes

Communicating the learning objectives

The learning objectives were not clear and it was not discernible as to what the learning objectives were.

Few students were able to articulate what the learning objectives were.

The learning objectives were not clearly communicated to the students and were not connected to prior experiences. The focus is more on activities, not communicating the objectives.

Some students were able to articulate part or all of the what, why, and how of the learning objectives, but may not understand their importance.

The learning objectives were verbally stated or posted in the classroom by the teacher. The teacher was able to connect the objectives to prior experiences and create an emotional connection.

Most students could articulate the what, why, and how of the learning objective and state the importance of the learning objectives.

The learning objectives were communicated clearly and directly by the teacher and the students were able to connect personally and emotionally to what they were learning.

All or almost all students were able to communicate the what, why, and how of the learning objective and could connect their learning emotionally and personally.

Observation Notes:

How the teacher communicates learning objectives

How the teacher creates engagement

How students are motivated to take ownership of learning, including the layout of the classroom

Student engagement in the environment

Learning objective

Part 2: Learning Objectives Summary