The impact of conformity has many harmful effects on humanity. Typically, various levels of management make decisions impacting many teams. As a result, the teams perceive a lack of choice in the deci

Running head: TEAM BUILDING 0

Team Building

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Team Building

In every organization, teams play an important role in bringing people of different talents and skills to work in unison for the realization of set objectives. In my workplace, I actively participate in three teams. I participate in the supervisory team (self-managed team), employee social welfare team (functional team) and quality assurance team. Some of the teams function within my department, but the employee social welfare team remain a cross-function team. These teams have people with diverse opinions, social orientation, and cultural diversity. As own leaders within the team, each a member brings something unique that aids in meeting set team goals. These teams have different goals, different types of government, and have varying motivating factors.

Supervisory Team

The team focuses on ensuring every worker competes the assigned roles. As an organization, every employee has the daily, monthly, quarterly and annual duties to perform. As a team, we ensure that all employees meet their daily targets and call for adjustments if needed. Making sure every employee comes to work on time, perform duties and meet targets becomes the main objective of the team. When it comes to goals, the team has to ensure high employee performance by looking at their daily productivity and employee contribute equally towards set objectives.

The supervisory team remains self-managing. The members have powers to make decisions concerning employee performance. The team operates as owners of the organization. The organization has given the supervisory team the mandate of firing a non-performing employee as long as the team have a consultative meeting and makes a majority decision towards the same. The organization has five major departments; each department head forms the supervisory team of the organization. The management opted for a team to review employee performance thereby eliminating biasness that may arise from decision solely made by one departmental head. During supervision, the entire team operates as a unit while making visits to each workstation within the organization.

The team has well-coordinated operations, well-established communication channels, members have gained maturity and the team adequately function towards meeting objectives. These characteristics acquire the status of a team at perfuming stage of development. The team has well-structured methods of dealing with conflicts. The team have a leader, set objectives and designed ways of reaching a binding decision. Here, the team largely rely on the democratic process of voting by members when making critical decisions. That organization describes the team’s dynamics. When it comes to solving interpersonal conflicts, the team engages in a consultative meeting where the grieving parties have their issue discussed and solutions offered. In the event the members fail to assist, the director of human resource takes charge in finding a solution.

The team enjoys intrinsic rewards in the form of recognition, being the supervisor, praise from seniors when employees meet targets, and the freedom given by the directors that the team has the power to make own decisions without consulting (Howard, Turban, & Hurley, 2016). Extrinsic rewards include; good salary, bonuses on targets met by employees and possible promotion to the office of the director. While considering these rewards, the supervisory team has the best rewards in the organization.

Employee Social Welfare Team

All employees both senior and junior found it wise to set up a team to look into their welfare for a better working environment. Ensuring a good psychological state of the employees informed the purpose of forming the team. The objectives include; counseling services to employees, mobilizing resources to support employees in financial hardships, and acting as a linkage between the organization and the employees. Being supportive of psychologically disturbed employees remains the major goal of the team. Normally, a disturbed employee will rarely perform optimally. The team has a specific function to perform of ensuring employee social welfare thus self-governed.

The team is at the norming stage of team development. Members had established leadership structure, operates in unity and interpersonal differences at the initial stages of being resolved. The members are also beginning to understand their goals as well as cooperating towards achieving the objectives. The team has set ground rules for the meeting, and some welfare resolution projects are ongoing as describing the team’s dynamics. Having a great working relationship between organization and employees remains the only motivation for the team. Additionally, the achievement that comes with helping a college in dare need also act as a motivation.

Quality Assurance Team

The organization has made it mandatory that all supervisors become members of the quality assurance team. The team would have the purpose of counterchecking if all products and services rendered meet the quality standards set by the government as well as the organization. The organization wants to produce high-quality products at the lowest cost possible, and that becomes the goal of the team. The team operates under the leadership of a manager. The manager bears the responsibility of decisions that the team makes.

The team is at performing a stage of development members enjoy high cooperation, organization, and maturity in operations. The team has a leader, an agreement to use as a reference for members and well-set roles and responsibilities for each member. The team has high performing dynamics. Quality assurance team enjoy bonuses, commission, and possible promotion. Considering the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards with other teams, the quality assurance team has second-best rewards after the supervisory team (Kvaløy, Nieken, & Schöttner, 2015). In these teams, I enjoy a good working relationship with other members due to the well-laid guidelines and procedures of engagement.


Kvaløy, O., Nieken, P., & Schöttner, A. (2015). Hidden benefits of reward: A field experiment on motivation and monetary incentives. European Economic Review76, 188-199.

Howard, L. W., Turban, D. B., & Hurley, S. K. (2016). Cooperating teams and competing reward strategies: Incentives for team performance and firm productivity. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management3(3), 1054.