In this assignment, you have the opportunity to examine the theoretical principles associated with sociological perspectives of crime.      View the following videos on the University Library Res

Database Concepts and Queries


  • Recognize and use database terminology

  • Enter queries to extract/ select data meeting specified criteria.

  • Formulate and create queries to fulfill data specifications/requirements.


  • For this assessment, you will need to use the information and query application in the Competency 6 Tutorial: Data - Databases -Big Data.

  • Part I: Database terminology and query execution:

    • Create a Word document and include definitions for the following terms: (You can use the tutorial and research on the Internet. You should have 1-2 sentences for each term.)

      • DBMS

      • SQL

      • SQL WHERE clause

      • SQL ORDER BY clause

      • Relational Database

    • For queries 2-6 in the tutorial under Structured Query Language, type each of the queries into the textbox provided and hit return. The query will be executed, then take a snapshot of the query results using your favorite snipping tool and paste it into your Word document . Be sure to include the timestamp at the bottom or your document will not be accepted - timestamps will be used to insure the queries were actually submitted. 

  • Part II: Writing SQL Queries

    • In the tutorial under Advanced SQL, you will find 6 queries listed under Required Competency Part II - Advanced SQL. Query 0 is there for demonstration purposes to show you what your results should look like.

    • For queries 1-5, create the SQL query to get the results needed to answer the question and type it into the textbox.

    • In the Word document, paste the SQL query you used, and the answer to the question (as shown for query 0).

  • Save your document and submit:

  • Click on the title link for this assignment

  • Attach your completed Word Document

  • Submit the assignment for grading.

Grading will be based on:


Part I: Term definitions are compete and correct: 5 points each

25 points

Part I: Snapshots of Queries 2-6 with timestamp are included in the Word document. (5 points each

25 points

Part II: For each query 1-5:  - SQL query included and correct (5 points each)  - Answers are supplied that are complete and correct (5 points each) 

 50 points 


100 points