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My topic is lyme disease.

The first source:

Aronowitz, Robert A. "Lyme Disease: The Social Construction of a New Disease and its Social Consequences." The Milbank Quarterly, vol. 69, no. 1, 1991, pp. 79-112. ProQuest, https://search-proquest-com.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:9443/docview/61251778?accountid=14522.

The author’s discipline is history and sociology of science.

The second source:

John J. Halperin, Lyme Disease: Neurology, Neurobiology, and Behavior, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 58, Issue 9, 1 May 2014, Pages 1267–1272, https://doi-org.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:9443/10.1093/cid/ciu106

The author’s discipline is neurology.