Movie or Television Analysis Analyze your selected movie or television episode portraying a character with a disability. See attached instructions. *Note: This does not need to be a paper or an essay,

Evaluation Guide for Representation of Character with a Disability in Film or Television Show

*Watch one movie or two television episodes that portray a character with a disability

Include the following:

General Information

  1. Your name

  2. Title of movie/television show being analyzed

More General Information (5 points each)

  1. Why you chose this particular film/ show

  2. Are the people with disabilities represented in major, minor or incidental roles? Explain.

  3. What types of disability (sensory, mobility, physical, mental) are portrayed, and how do you know?

  4. What are the occupational roles in which people with disabilities are represented?

  5. What is the relevance of disability to the role in which people with disabilities are represented? (How much of the disability is the focus of the plot?)

Looking for Stereotypes (10 points each)

  1. Are persons with a disability depicted as sinister, evil, or criminal? Give an example to justify your response.

  2. Are persons with a disability portrayed as a "super-crip," inspiration, or over-achiever-- a person who demonstrates extraordinary abilities to overcome his or her disability? One whose main purpose is to make other characters grow and/or feel thankful for what they have? Give an example to justify your response.

  3. Is the person with a disability portrayed as pitiable and pathetic—Their character makes the other characters or the viewer feel sorry for them? Give an example to justify your response.

  4. Is the person with a disability portrayed as dependent, unable to participate in daily life?-- Give an example to justify your response.

  5. Is the person with a disability portrayed as humorous—picked on, bullied, the punchline of jokes, used for entertainment? Give an example to justify your response.

Other Information (15 points)

13. Search for some information about this particular movie/television show/actor/actress/character. Does the actor/actress have the disability represented? If not, was research done on the disability in order to try to represent it as authentically as possible? What do other people think about this film/television show?

Overall Evaluation (10 points)

14. What is your overall rating for the the film/television show in general, and the depiction of this character with a disability in particular? Why? What are the potential consequences of this film or television episode on public attitudes?