Assignment 3 - Cross Cultural Management – This must be completed using PowerPointConduct a Diversity audit. Conduct a diversity audit on the organization where you work. (Please use Express Scripts

Slide Presentation Guide
  1. Write your speech first and then think about what you might want to show on the screen. Do not do the visuals first, and then try to structure your oral presentation to fit the slides.

  2. Keep each slide simple. This applies to both art and words.

  3. Have a maximum of six lines of type per slide.

  4. Abbreviate only if necessary. The point of slides is to pick key words or summarize, not to jam in complete sentences by abbreviating words.

  5. Break up complex ideas into simple, separate sequences consisting of several slides. Do not try to convey the whole balance sheet on slides.

  6. Bar graphs, charts and illustrations are fine for slides, as long as the artwork does not break the cardinal rule: KEEP IT SIMPLE.

  7. Introduce humor in artwork if possible.

  8. For most purposes, it is best to use only a horizontal format. Horizontal format is more natural and more accommodating. Never mix horizontal and vertical formats.

  9. With list of points of items, consider producing what is known as a build. Each slide builds progressively on the preceding one, highlighting each additional item with color.

  10. Proofread zealously. Ask one other person not associated with the project to proofread also. Outsiders often spot errors quicker.

Slides are useful if they:

  • Contain only enough information to illustrate one major idea.

  • Are visible even in the last row of a large auditorium

  • Show something that cannot be explained as well.

  1. Presentations

LAYOUT: Keep simple, with plenty of open space. Space between lines should be at least the height of a capital letter. Use horizontally oriented slides without borders.

TITLE: Five words or less. Title should supplement, not duplicate the slide data.

MESSAGE: Limit each slide to one major idea. Limit slide to 3-4 lines.

COLOR: Use for emphasis only. Use a dark-colored background – it makes for better legibility than black or while background. White lettering on blue background achieves excellent legibility.

TABLES: Do not crowd the slide. Two or more simple slides are better than one complicated slide.

ILLUSTRATIONS: A good rule of thumb is that if you can read the information on your slide held at arm’s length against a bright background, it will be readable to your audience.


  • Slides should be numbered and placed in proper sequence.

  • If you are repeating the contents of a slide, create a second slide and place it in the correct order.

Live Presentation

  • Rehearse your slide presentation several times so that you will be familiar with the sequence and timing of the slides.

  • If a point in the speech requires no slide support, the screen can be filled with a blackout slide or a logo slide.

Presentation Pointers

Determining Subject Matter

1. Stay on track – Develop an outline of the essential concepts. Reduce to one sentence the important message you want to communicate on each major point. Reduce to one word the main message of each subject.

2. Hit your target quickly and cleanly – Do not camouflage a concept with verbosity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Avoid over-preparation – Most often, this results from a speaker’s fear that they will not have enough material to fill the allotted time.

2. Avoid under-preparation – Poor preparation will show up in poor content and delivery evaluations from attendees.

3. Include functional illustrations – Handouts can reinforce and explain key points in your presentation. Prepare your materials with the thought that your presentation will be reviewed more often after the presentation. Clear and understandable handouts will enhance the lasting value of your presentation.

7 Tips for Effective Presentations

  1. Get into your subject as quickly, dramatically, boldly, and excitingly as possible. Do not bore the audience with unimportant material. Start off with something that will immediately start them thinking of how they can apply what you are about to tell them.

  2. Within two minutes, tell them WHY what you are going to say is important to them and HOW it is going to affect their operations. This will create a heightened level of interest and awareness.

  3. Be specific. Be concrete. Use numbers and examples. Make them tangible and understandable. Issue disclaimers upfront. Let them know what you are not going to do and tell them what liberties you are going to take with numbers and references.

  4. Use a rapid fire pace. Do not belabor, linger, and dwell. Once a concept has been introduced, repeating and returning to the same point is boring and suggest lack of preparation.

  5. Stick to the time schedule. There are many activities scheduled.

  6. Be relevant for this audience. Use examples that are relevant for them and show them how and why you have selected them. When you provide a list of techniques, advantages, and disadvantages – ENUMERATE! Count them out from 1-3, 1-10, etc. Start out by saying “I will be giving you 8 quick ideas for how to …” and then count them out so attendees know where they are at any point.

  7. HAVE FUN! Be bold. Love your audience and they will love you.