Assignment 3 - Cross Cultural Management – This must be completed using PowerPointConduct a Diversity audit. Conduct a diversity audit on the organization where you work. (Please use Express Scripts

Diversity Audit Resources

Cultural Observation

Walk around your organization and take in your surroundings. What values or beliefs do you observe? What can you determine about the organizational culture? Is information available that serves all cultures/populations? Take notes and, if you are allowed to, take pictures to help tell your story.

The cultural artifacts in an organization can give us information about the culture.

  • What do you see on the walls?

  • What interactions do you observe?

  • What messages are present?

  • Whom do you see?  

You’re observing “artifacts,” both objects and social interactions, for meaning. What does the object or interaction say about the location or the people? Gather print materials.

Self-Assessment Guide

You can use this Diversity & Inclusion Self-Assessment to assist you in evaluating your organization’s readiness to champion diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Each of the criteria can be rated using the following scale:



No evidence or actions taken to address this in our workplace.


Some evidence and/or actions taken to address this in our workplace. We have initiated a discussion to address this.


Defined verbal and written standards in place to support this effort.


Frequent actions taken in support of this effort. This has been integrated into workplace norms.


The standards set and actions taken in support of this effort represent an industry best practice. We can serve as role models and champions to other companies.

Organizations that are performing at levels considered industry “best practices” would reflect category scores and an overall score of 4 or above. You can use the following chart to help you identify activities that support each of the criteria listed, below.


Scale and Rationale

  1. The regulated organizations include diversity and inclusion considerations in both employment and contracting as an important part of its strategic plan including hiring, recruiting, retention and promotion.

  1. The organization has a diversity and inclusion policy that is approved and supported by senior leadership, including senior management and the board of directors (if applicable).

  1. The organization provides regular progress reports to the board and/or senior management.

  1. The organization conducts equal employment opportunity as well as diversity and inclusion education and training on a regular and periodic basis.

  1. The organization has a senior level official who oversees and directs the organization’s diversity efforts. For some institutions, these responsibilities are assigned to an executive-level Chief Diversity Officer (or equivalent position) with dedicated resources to support diversity strategies and initiatives. For other entities, such as smaller entities, these responsibilities are assigned to a senior officer with sufficient authority.

  1. The organization takes proactive steps to promote a diverse pool of candidates, including women and minorities, in its hiring, recruiting, retention and promotion, as well as in its selection of board members, senior management and other senior leadership positions.

  1. The organization utilizes metrics to evaluate and assess workforce diversity and inclusion efforts, such as recruitment, applicant tracking, hiring, promotions, separations (voluntary and involuntary), career development support, coaching, executive seminars and retention across all levels and occupations of the organization including executive and managerial ranks.

  1. The organization holds management accountable for diversity and inclusion efforts.

  1. The organization has policies and practices that create diverse applicant pools for both internal and external opportunities.

  1. The organization provides transparency in its activities regarding diversity and inclusion by making the following information available to the public annually through its public website or other appropriate communication methods:

    1. Its diversity and inclusion strategic plan

    2. Its commitment to diversity and inclusion