Please make sure it is pep9 language not an assembly.I will attached 2 forms to this assignment which both are examples. The file " Q27 Swap Numbers Source.PDF" is exactly the same program without fun

BR main list: .Block 32 j: .Block 2 numItems: .Block 2 temp: .Block 2 main: DECI numItems,d LDWX 0,i STWX j,d for1: CPWX numItems,d BRGE endfor1 LDWX j,d ASLX ;two bytes per intiger DECI list,x ;scanf("%d", list[j]) LDWX j,d ADDX 1,i STWX j,d BR for1 endfor1: LDWX 0,i ;temp=list[0] LDWA list,x STWA temp,d LDWX 0,i ;for(j=0) STWX j,d for2: ADDX 1,i CPWX numItems,d BRGE endfor2 LDWX j,d ADDX 1,i ASLX ;two bytes per intiger LDWA list,x LDWX j,d ASLX ;two byte per intiger STWA list,x LDWX j,d ADDX 1,i STWX j,d BR for2 endfor2: LDWA temp,d LDWX numItems,d SUBX 1,i ASLX STWA list,x LDWX 0,i STWX j,d for3: CPWX numItems,d BRGE endfor3 LDWX j,d ;ADDX 1,i ASLX DECO list,x LDBA ' ',i STBA charOut,d LDWX j,d ADDX 1,i STWX j,d BR for3 endfor3: LDBA '\n',i STBA charOut,d STOP .END 1