1. After reading the GCU Learner Goals, which disposition is your   strength? Which disposition do you still need to work on? Explain.Review the "GCU Learner Goals."URL: http://lc.gcumedia.com/eed48

IT Issues and Management

Case 300 Memo



One of the most important parts of this course is the ability to write in an effective manner that can clearly express an IT issue in business terms to key decision makers. For that reason, you are asked to write a Case 300 Memo (or simply an email) addressed to key decision makers in the case studies read through this course.

For this task, you are asked to play the role of an IT expert that is employed in the company discussed in each case. Your job is to identify the issue, relate it to a decision maker in business terms, offer some key background information and finally offer a solution to a key decision maker in the case. This requires you to analyze the situation in the case and provide appropriate and accurate information in a clear and concise way. The information needed to write your memo is included in the case; be sure to pull evidence from the case when writing your memos.


For each case study, your Case 300 Memo MUST be able to answer the following questions.

  1. What is the key decision/issue presented in the case?

  2. What is the main business impact related to that decision/issue?

  1. Listing some attributes of the information technology and/or the key pieces of knowledge required to make a decision surrounding the issue presented in the case?

  2. What are two things that can be done to help remedy the issue or aid the decision maker in the case?


For each case study, prepare a memo addressed to a key decision maker identified in the case. The memo is intended to summarize the 4 questions above formatted for a decision maker to read and react to. Each memo MUST also…

  1. be in a proper MEMO format (see below)

  1. be less than 300 words (body only)

  2. include the author’s name (you) at the bottom of the page

  3. include the body word count underneath the author’s name


To: [Address the memo to a specific decision maker within the case]

[body contents – must not exceed 300 words]

  • PARA 1: Summarize the organization’s issue in the case (Q1) and identifying the business impact in terms a non IT person can understand (Q2).

  • PARA 2 (maybe also PARA 3): Analyze the attributes of the information technology relating to the main issue informing the decision maker (Q3).

  • PARA 3 (maybe PARA 4): Present two independent (but complementary) recommendations that directly address the problems/opportunities identified within your assessment above (Q4).

Author: [YOUR NAME]

Word Count: [State your word count used in the ‘Business Impact Summary’… not to exceed 300 words]

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To: CEO Tony Stark [name of a key decision maker in the case study]

In an effort to cut cost and facilitate higher sales, the Marketing Department requested the purchase of Hydra Web Hosting which introduces multiple security risks for Stark Industries [provide the impression there is an issue that requires a decision]. Not addressing these risks could result in loss of corporate data impacting our corporate reputation resulting losses for investors, trust from customers, and ultimately a loss in sales and profits

[communicate in business terms what would happen if this issue is not resolved].

[the following paragraphs analyze the attributes regarding the information technology that enables an executive to make a decision; use evidence from the case]

Happy, our security expert, reported several flaws with Hydra’s security features increasing risk. This includes the potential for users to mismanage applications introducing the opportunity for hackers to access user data. Furthermore, the applications available from Hydra are closed and can’t be altered to fit the security needs of

Stark Industries. Although some of these concerns may be remedied using lock down features and sandboxing, limitations still allow users to easily by-pass security measures without IT consent.

Alternatively, options are available to the sales team through S.H.E.I.L.D. sponsored OLAP hosting in lieu of Hydra. S.H.E.I.L.D. hosting address many of the security concerns by allowing an open rather than closed standard approach to security and application development. This feature allows IT support to perform our own quality and security assurances for use.

[provide recommendations that the decision maker can act upon]

With these considerations, I offer the following recommendations:

  1. I highly recommend the use of the S.H.E.I.L.D. services platform to host the website. Many similar features on Hydra Web Hosting are also available through S.H.E.I.L.D. services and development is open and can be tailored to fit our security needs. [note how this connects with the previously discussed attributes of the information technology]

  1. We also need to institute a policy regarding the development and use of applications for other web hosted technology. Our team can assess security concerns in various platforms and develop appropriate tools to assure organizational quality and security assurances. This is to ensure proper use of technology devices and applications are tailored to benefit our needs while minimizing security risks.

Author: [your name]

Word Count: 297 [this word count is of the body of your memo; needs to be less than 300 words]


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  1. In each case study you should be able to conduct the following analysis

    1. Identify the key issue that needs to be solved or the decision that needs to be made.

    2. Identify the impact to the business if a decision is not made regarding the problem

    1. Determine what key piece of technology is focus of the failure and/or problem and be sure to provide whatever information is necessary to solve the issue or move forward to make a decision.

    1. Assess what type of solution(s) can be applied to resolve the issue and identify the benefits and drawbacks of each solution.

  1. Follow the outline presented in the template... exactly. Limit the body to 300 words

  1. Spend most of your time evaluating the events and business impacts in each case study and summarizing the succinctly in your memo. Recommendations are the easy part, but ensuring they relate to the business impact and resolve the issues is the difficult part.

  1. Concentrate on the business impact of problems. While IT projects may have a lot of problems, the most pressing ones are always the problems that prevent the business from functioning effectively wasting time and resources. These may be based on the way the project is defined, planned, implemented, or controlled, but you will need to understand and articulate what the impact of these problems are for the business.

  1. Watch for the “elephant(s) in the room”. While cases depict several problems, you need to identify the major problem(s) that could cause the business serious damage if not addressed.

  1. Make recommendations actionable. “Actionable” recommendations are those that make it clear what exactly should be done “on Monday morning”. Often coupling a “procedural” recommendation with a “people” recommendation (such as altering the business process or employee incentives) are the most effective recommendations.

  1. When you write, be concise and clear about your business impacts. Most business executives need to understand the financial risks to the company if the issue/decision is not attended. Some considerations could include customer sales, profits, exceeding cost due to lawsuits, loss of market share, etc.

  1. Be sure to provide evidence that will help the decision maker both understand the technology and how it meets the business need. Your recommendations should be aligned with these points.



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4






Student did not show

Student showed

Student showed

Student showed


any evidence they

minimal evidence they

evidence they

evidence they

(Submission format,

followed any of the

followed the

followed the

followed all the

word count, name,

guidelines presented

guidelines presented

guidelines presented

guidelines presented


in the assignment

in the assignment

in the assignment,

in the assignment.

leaving a requirement


Concisely identify the

Student does not


Student identifies

Student concisely and

key issue presented in

correctly identify the

marginally identifies

relevant issues in the

clearly identifies

the case.

issue(s) in the case.

the relevant issue(s)

case yet not fully

relevant issue from the

presented in the case.

concise and/or clear.

case and presented in

a manner to get a

decision maker’s


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Published: 14 May 2019

Concisely describe the

Student does not


Student identifies

Student concisely and

business impact

provide any business

marginally identifies

relevant business

clearly identifies

related to issues

impact derived from

potential business

impacts derived from

relevant business

presented in the case

the issue presented in

impacts derived from

the issue in the case,

impacts derived from

the case.

the issue presented in

yet not fully concise

issues presented in the

the case.

and/or clear.

case, includes concise


Concisely analyze the

Student unable to

Student identifies

Student identifies

Student concisely and

attributes of the

describe any of the

some of the attributes

relevant attributes of

clearly identifies


attributes of the

of the information

the information

relevant attributes of

technology (e.g.


technology, but they

technology related to

the information


technology related to

lack the relevancy to

issues in the case, yet

technology related to

failures) related to

any potential issues.

the issues presented in

not fully concise

the case including

issues presented in the

the case.

and/or clear.

additional attributes


that may not be


Concisely identify

Student is unable to

Student is marginally

Student identifies an

Student is identifies


identify any

able to identify a



recommendations that

recommendation or

recommendation, but

recommendation, and

recommendations, and

directly address the

relate it to the

cannot relate it to the

relates it to the

relate it to the

issue presented in the

business need.

business need, nor

business need,

business need,


how it is to provide a

showing how it

showing how it

significant impact in

provides a significant

provides a significant

correcting the issue.

impact in correcting

impact in correcting

the issue, yet not fully

the issue and offers

connected with

additional insight to

previously stated

the impact of the


solution as it relates to

previously stated


Writing (ability to

Student is unable to

Student marginally is

Student is able to

Student is able to

convey message to

communicate clearly

able to communicate

communicate clearly

communicate clearly

decision maker in

and concisely to the

clearly and concisely to

and concisely to the

and concisely to the

proper business

decision maker

business decision

business decision

business decision

writing style)

maker. Some of the

maker. However, the

maker. The writing is

ideas are clear, but

writing can be

pertinent to the case

most of the writing is

improved with greater

and cites appropriate


and depth with

and information

information related to

completely and

the case.

without making

assumptions of the
