I need an expert writer  do editing on my paperthere are 7 questions I have to answer it   I need the writer to watch this video it is a guiding for the assignment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Personal Learning Statement,,,

  1. What have you learned that is new?

I have learnt to be a good entrepreneur I need to have the ability to foresee business challenges. This is a very essential skill in a business as it helps plan how to solve the problems and who to make the business growth. During the planning process of the business, I observed the benefits of anticipation of challenges that the business could face at each stage.

Through knowledge gained from the course, I have learnt how to make a business more profitable. I learnt that any small business can be successful if they know exactly what the business community need, they can develop their strategies and develop their market. Before the class, I had the idea that starting a business was easy and only required a good unique idea. However, after the course I understood to make new product or service line in existing business will requires a lot of strategic plan, process that I have to follow and do some research. I also have learned that how the ecological or environment is one of the important factors that the business owner has to make a very big attention on it.

  1. How does this relate to your values?

As learnt in class being an entrepreneur is a process, which begins with look for an idea or a niche market, doing research, looking for resources, gathering them and actualizing the idea. Each stage requires different attributes, values and character of the entrepreneur.

I like solving problems, therefore, the entrepreneurship process of starting a business was an exciting process for me. However, I encountered challenges that proved to be stressful during the process that I almost gave up. This made me realize that despite being a problem solver I at times lack the resilience to withstand very difficult problems. This challenged my values both as a person and as a future entrepreneur.

  1. How have your beliefs/ values been challenged?

Being an entrepreneur is a personal growth as it is business growth. To growth a business requires creativity and finding niches in the market. Growing the business requires the entrepreneur to be anticipate challenges and be a risk taker. I applied most of the content learnt in class and was very helpful. However, I found the content did not provide specific solutions to specific problems. The content was too general compared to what I experienced when participating in the family business. For example, in class, I learnt that an entrepreneur should be creative and focused to tackle challenged faced in the business. This does not specify how I ought to have solved the financial and delivery problem that the business was facing. My family and I had to figure out how to solve the problems for ourselves. Despite how helpful the whole course was, much of the knowledge of being an entrepreneur comes from experiencing the challenging and solving the problems personally.

during the time spent in working with my group members, I discovered values and qualities and values that I have, through the business. In addition, I learnt that despite these qualities being crucial in entrepreneurship, the process of business growth requires more. Ability to make the right decisions for your business comes from numerous attempts, most of which will end up in failure.

At the beginning of the course, I had the idea that being an entrepreneur is easy. I thought that all it required to have specific qualities and values and success would come easy. However, through the experience gained in the business, I learnt that knowledge of what today is important, but some values are acquired over time. Repeated fail brings about resilience. On the other hand, different challenges bring about creativity and the experience, values that can only be acquired through practical experience of owning a business. The experience has been a personal process of growth. However, if I had the same skills a year ago, I would be far more experienced.

  1. Where are your life experiences in this process?

In my experience, 5 years ago I my family started small business at home selling beauty products and small bags through internet, we had good time helping customers, providing good quality products, however, we did not foresee the delivery problem. Sales would be manageable and would be delivered by the personnel available. However, as the business grew, we got many clients that the personnel could not meet up the sales volume. All of my experience was just related to the class content. One of the disadvantages of starting a business alone is the high probability of poor decision making. Working with the group members proved to be very helpful. At each stage, every participated by providing a diverse range of ideas. Each idea was debated on, checking the pros and cons of each before coming to a conclusion. This process of decision making ensured that the best solution or idea was reached. This made me appreciate the insights and the contribution of each member. Example when starting a business and entrepreneur researches the market for any niches. In the process he might see have a number of opportunities to exploit. However, depending on the nature of the opportunity and resources available the entrepreneur is forced to choose the best. With the help of my group members, we were able to choose a business that was viable and whose resources were easily accessible.

However, starting a business with many members may be disadvantageous. Decision-making involving many members is slow. This could be very detrimental specially to challenges that are time sensitive. In such cases, I would prefer working alone or working with a small group of people. In additional, debating each idea could lead to conflicts among the members as each feels their ideas should be considered. This is problematic to a business and could cripple its growth.

  1. What new sources of information have you engaged with?

There are numerous sources of information both from the external environment and from the entrepreneur. When working as a group, it important for group members to consolidate their ideas and thoughts to come up with solutions and new ideas for the business. This is in fact, much easier than doing it alone. Different group members have different ideas. The diversity in ideas provides numerous solutions and alternatives ideas for the owners to choose from them.

When looking for ideas it is important for the entrepreneur to be keen on what the people say. Out of these conversations, the entrepreneur gets to hear of complains or improvements that are absent in the markets which could turn out to be great business ideas. People that we interact with on a daily basis should be seen as potential customers. They are excellent sources of information. In addition, once the business is up and going, being on the lookout for what they say, gives the entrepreneur evaluate their business, areas they ought to improve or change.

The experience made me learn that ideas and solution could come from anywhere. An entrepreneur should be keen to look for ideas from the external environment, especially from people they interact within their normal routine. In addition, working in groups is quite advantageous to a business than working alone.

  1. where is your appreciation of others?

  1. What have you learnt about yourself as a learner during this course?

Entrepreneurship is a personal growth as it is a business. To be a good and successful entrepreneur, I have learnt it is important to understand oneself, values, character, and importantly weakness. Having a strong personal character leads to good business culture. For example, I realized that whenever I have numerous ideas or solutions to a challenge, I have to difficult choosing the best or most suitable. This indecisiveness could prove costly to a business. Each of the options may be good ideas or solution, however, factors such as time and resources may make some not suitable.

In my experience, I have learnt the success of a business is dependent on the entrepreneur’s ability to foresee future challenges. When making decisions should be keen to assess the consequences both on the short-term and long-term. Some solutions and ideas may be viable on a short-term basis but not in the long-term. Class content proved to be quite helpful during my experience.

Through the experience, I learnt that I am resilient and a good problem solver. I liked the process of solving problems, which involves formulating solutions, choosing the best and actualizing them. The success of each challenge made me look forward to the next one. The challenged made increased my desire to become more as an individual and as for the business. Through these qualities, I learnt I have the skills to start my own business in the future.

One of my biggest lessons was the weaknesses that I have as an individual that could affect the growth of my business. To begin with, I am indecisive when present with numerous solutions and ideas at the same time. In addition, despite my fondness for challenges, when faced with numerous challenges at the same time I tend to break and give up. These are values I seek to change, as they would adversely affect my business. To begin with, I will seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs on how best to choose ideas and solution when presented with many. I also could work with a number of partners when starting a business, who could assist in decision making for the business. This could also prove to be a solution to managing stress when faced with multiple challenges at the same time.

This course has proved very helpful in developing my knowledge and interest in the entrepreneurship and business in general. It has helped me appreciate the process of starting, developing and growing a business. which of Corse will help me start to think of a new business after I graduate or continue what my family has done as a small business, but know i am going to apply for the master’s degree which is also focus on business and that going help me to deep enough to learn more of how a business works, the challenges, opportunity and management of the business.