the question is below , Look back over the readings, quizzes, lectures, and discussions from the first three weeks of this class and locate at least two examples of ways that the past affects the pre

1. Watch mini-lecture 3-1, Self-Made Man, Part I

2. Watch mini-lecture 3-2, Self-Made Man, Part II

3. Read Coates’s Between the World and Me, Part I, pp. 1-71.

5. do the initial discussion post “ an essay “

6. do the second discussion. “ Each question must be answered with one paragraph as least 7-10 sentences “

  • Initial discussion

How is your perspective affected by your race, class, or gender?

American Studies emphasizes the need to examine history and culture from a variety of perspectives. Because we often interpret events only through our own personal experience, it is important to consciously examine the lens through which we view the world. Take a couple of minutes to think about your own lens and describe its components. Choose one event from your life and describe how you would have perceived it differently had you interpreted it through a different lens. How is your perspective affected by your race, your class, or your gender?


  • Second Discussion


How does Coates describe/define “race”? There are some specific examples on pp. 7 if you are struggling to understand his perspective.


Coates spends considerable time exploring “the black body” and how it is controlled and violated by dominant white culture. Take a couple of minutes to do a quick internet search on the individuals he names – Eric Garner, Renisha McBride, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Marlene Pinnock, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin. What similarities do you find in their stories? What theme(s) would you use to characterize their experiences?


Towards the end of the first section of the text (pp. 69-70), Coates makes the point that American slavery affected individual people. How would you characterize your historical education regarding slavery? Were you ever taught about the individual experience of enslaved people? Or were you presented with a more generalized version of American racial history? Hypothesize about the impact your historical awareness has on the way(s) that you perceive contemporary racial issues.


Based on the mini-lecture, describe both the essential elements of the Myth of the Self-Made Man, as well as the main criticisms of it.


Based on the mini-lecture, what are the six main components of Victorian Era masculinity? Be sure to describe each component fully.