INSTRUCTION: Please review all the pictures attached. These pictures are my result from NUTRICALC PLUS report and summarize my diet in a 3 pages paper. Also, I attached the sample nutritional analysi



I have analyzed my diet by comparing the intake of both energy-yielding nutrients and micronutrients to the standards recommended for a person of my gender, age, height, and weight. Based on the differences on the specific nutrients I am taking as compared to those recommended, I have concluded that certain changes in my diet would enhance my dietary intake of nutrients in the short run and likely enhance my overall nutritional status in the long run.

I am taking in only 47 percent of the recommended kcalories for a person of my age, gender, and body size. Calculations indicate my estimated energy needs to be 2029.93 kcalories per day. After averaging my energy intake over the three days, I see that my average is only 944.69 kcalories. While some studies indicate that reducing caloric intake to 80% of energy needs may prolong life, my 47% intake may mean that I am neglecting to take in certain needed nutrients. Also, I need at least 1555.2 kcalories just for my basal metabolism. Since I am only at 60.7% of that figure, it may be that I am unable to keep up with my basal metabolic needs.

My intake of both vitamins and minerals is very low compared to the RDAs and DRIs. Most notably my intake is quite low for the B vitamins, such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. All of these vitamins are necessary for energy productioni, and some of them are needed in cellular reproduction. With my average daily intake so low, it is likely that, in addition to the reduced intake of kcalories, I am dangerously low in the cofactors needed for energy production. I have felt tired a great deal of the time, and I have had to fight off disease more often than I would think normal. I think, for that reason, that I should increase my intake of those foods high in these nutrients. That would include whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and nuts or seeds.

The minerals that I am getting in quantities less than recommended are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Although my sodium is lower than normal, it is not as low as these others. Nonetheless sodium is also at only 57% of recommended amounts. At my age, it is not a good idea for me to take in so little calcium (my average intake is only 54% of RDA), since there is an increased risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Magnesium is used in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, and I am taking in only 51% of the RDA. It is also needed for energy production, and my lowered intake could again account for my fatigue and difficulty in fighting disease. My intake of zinc is only at 46% of that recommended. Since zinc is an important mineral in antioxidant activity and in keeping the immune system functioning, I would probably benefit from increasing my intake of foods high in zinc. Also, my potassium is quite low at only 31% of that recommended. Potassium plays an important role in muscle contractions, nerve impulses, protein synthesis, and many other activities in the body. With my intake being so low, my body is probably finding it difficult to perform these functions, and this can contribute to my fatigue and decreased immune function. To get the minerals I need, I should increase my intake of vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains.

My calculations indicate that my intake of fat and protein are higher than that recommended, and that my complex carbohydrate intake could be improved. My intake of simple concentrated sugars is quite low, lower than the recommendations, and I believe I need make no changes regarding that.

The food grouping demonstrated by the food pyramid analysis indicates that I really should increase my intake of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Making those changes would alter many things, including the overall nutrient intakes, adding more of the vitamins and minerals for which my intake is currently too low. In addition, I would be increasing the kcal intake, thus improving my body’s ability to make ATP to be used for many of the basal metabolic functions as well as perhaps an increased level of physical activity. And, finally, the increase in whole grains, fruits and vegetables would reduce my reliance on animal products, leading to an overall lowering of fat intake and increase in B vitamins, important minerals, and dietary fiber. The fiber intake is also quite low at 35% of recommended.

I am at 142% of my ideal body weight, placing me in the “obese” category for nutritional status. Obesity is associated with an increased risk for a number of illnesses including heart disease, some cancers, and arthritis. My Body Mass Index at 29.2 is also in a dangerous range with regard to increased risk for disease (increased risk is associated with a BMI above 24.9).

In conclusion, by reducing my animal protein intake and increasing my fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, I should be able to balance my nutrient intake towards one that increases my caloric intake with lowered saturated fat, lowered overall fat, increased vitamin and mineral intake, and increased fiber intake. I should soon enjoy increased overall energy, improved immune function, and lowered risk of disease. Increased physical activity should reduce my BMI and %IBW and also help lower my risk for illness. Through physical activity I would also be able to increase muscle mass and strength, insulin sensitivity, and cardiorespiratory endurance, all of which are associated with improved health and decreased risk for chronic illness.
