1) Write a one-page (250 words) summary for chapters (9-10) of Foster's text.2) Be sure to include the following items in your summary: a. Major details/key points from the chapter b
Examples of Excellent Foster Summaries
Example #1
Foster Chapter Fifteen Summary
In Thomas Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor , chapter fifteen explains the value of
the idea of flight in literature. Foster begins by explaining that flight can be synonymous with freedom.
He explains how everything that has the potential to fly and defy gravity displays a certain aura of
carefree and miraculous freedom. Humans, one of the few species that cannot defy this freedom in a
literal manner, have the power to do so through different stories and novels. Flights are described to
either be a direct or halted action; characters that “fly” are sometimes interrupted mi d - flight, which the
reader then interprets to have a significant underlying meaning. Failure, death, immoral behaviors all lie
within this realm. Foster uses multiple examples to reinforce the idea that flight and falling can be based
on other ’ s actions, such as “falling” from a parents’ divorce. To accumulate all of Foster’s into one, he
identifies that flight is a form of rebirth, a means to defy the odds and survive the obstacles that falling
places on the human world.
Example #2
Chapter 15: Flights of Fancy
Flying has always been one of human's biggest fantasies since it is an ability not
attainable by humans. It is an ability so desirable that it was even a temptation of Christ.
Therefore, anything that flies without the aid of technology cannot be hu man. Flight is used in
literature literally, figuratively, and metaphorically. Most commonly it is symbolic for greatly
desired things of mankind, such as freedom, love, and escape. Many times, flight implies
something spiritual, as in the soul being set free even though the body stays earthbound. However, flight doesn't always end as one would hope, like in the case of Icarus whose ability to
fly using wings leads to his downfall, and generally, if it is interrupted and ends prematurely, it
signifies some thing negative. Falling from great heights and surviving the fall is as symbolic as
flight itself and can serve as turning points in characters' lives. Flight, therefore, is heavily
symbolic and can be used to generate deep and meaningful ironies, allowing readers to take
flight in terms of imagination and interpretation of the text.
Example #3: This summary gives more than the requirements, earning a bonus point, 6/5.
Chapter 15 - “Flights of Fancy”
In the world of science, flight and humans do not mix , unless one is in a plane or suspended by a rope.
In the life of a novel, flight has a different purpose. Foster connects the long held fascination with
human beings in flight with the concept of freedom and escapism. A human body in flight is impossib le,
unless attached to a novel. Flight has been desired by the human imagination. Greek Mythology
captured this desire when young Daedalus tried to give himself those same natural characteristics of a
bird, so he could be airborne. Foster states that in literature, “It’s really pretty straightforward: Flight is
freedom.” This simplistic theme is apparent in a film like E.T. or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang . However in
literature flight and flying are attached to more subtle and ironic themes. In Angela Cart er’s, Night at
the Circus ( 1984), a character named Fevvers, which is a combination of feathers and tethers, is held in
a cage which separates her from society, literally and figuratively. If we as readers had not already
embraced the cultural meaning of flight and freedom, we might miss Carter’s attempt at irony, “Fevver’s
flying represents a kind of counter freedom.” Foster then leads the reader into a discussion involving
winged characters. When a human body sports wings, get ready for some connectio n to angels. In the
literary work, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings , the character is ironically portrayed as something
very different than how we perceive the classical angel who is pure, white and playing a harp. This
literary character is caged, dir ty and smelly. Foster enlightens the reader with an interesting perception
about the Messiah. Jesus did not have the qualities that earthly people would attach to a king and so
they fall short of recognizing Christ’s full glory on earth. So also the you ng couple, Pelayo and Elisenda,
miss the fullness of the miracle attached to the old man. The author the n acknowledges an idea in
literature that is the opposite of flying, “As thrilled as we are by the prospect of flying, we are also
frightened at the pro spect of falling…” When characters survive a fall, an author attaches deep meaning
to this, such as Gibreel and Saladin, two characters in a Rushdie novel. Surviving a fall can mean a
rebirth, a beginning or transformation. Rushdie’s characters live to see another day through some
miraculous landing and then go on to a high - quality life. Finally, Foster continues the discussion about
the human spirit or soul ascending and gaining freedom. In literature, the human soul, rises and goes to heaven. Foster describes the soul state as, “The notion that the disembodied soul is capable of flight is
deeply embedded in the Christian tradition, and I suspect in many others as well, although it is not
universal.” There is limited literature that speaks of humans l iterally flying, but there is flight imagery
throughout literature. This imagery is done effectively through the use of birds, wings and feathers. This
chapter was insightful, providing readers a connection to many literary images of flight, but adding to
them freedom and escapism and the ability for us to soar beyond our imaginations.