1. What do you think the difference between modernization and Westernization?2. How do other countries view the USA (positives and negatives)? How do you think those views were/are formed?3. How much

WK 1 – Globalization Era Assignment

Chapter 1 No. 1.

Review the content on p. 14 – Modernization, Westernization, and Americanization. OR if you do not have your textbook yet – see the Modernization Westernization pdf.

AND then review the content of page 37 and 38 on the Globalization Era OR if you do have your textbook yet – see the Globalization era pdf below:

Now, Download the Week 1 Globalization Assignment document and answer the 4 questions. Upload your answers to Canvas.

1. What do you think the difference between modernization and Westernization?

2. How do other countries view the USA (positives and negatives)? How do you think those views were/are formed?

3. How much international business should students have as part of their business education? Put a percentage on the extent of international business content and justify it.

4. What is YOUR definition of Globalization?