MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, C ultural Intelligence and Diversity Workshop Week 4 Emotional Intelligence COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 WARNING This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 ( the Act ). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice. 2 Learning Objectives • Understand that beyond cognitive IQ, emotions influence attitude and behaviour for success at work • Understand what is emotional intelligence and its role in the workplace • Appreciate the importance of emotional intelligence in the new realities of work in contemporary society Emotions • Emotions are physiological, behavioural and psychological episodes experienced towards an object, person or event that create a state of readiness.

(Ashkanasy , Zerbe & Hartel,2002) Types of Emotions • All emotions have dual dimensions that evaluate conditions as either:

– Good or bad – Helpful or unhelpful – Beneficial or harmful – And so on… • Emotions are experiences. They represent changes in our:

– Physiological state (e.g. blood pressure, heart -rate) – Psychological state (e.g. thought processes) – Behaviour (e.g. action, expression) Activity: Each group will be allocated one of the following emotions. Your task is to identify the physiological, psychological and behavioural changes that might ensue as a result of experiencing your allocated emotion at work:

(i) anger, (ii) joy, (iii) fear, (iv) hope, (v) sorrow, (vi) surprise Neuroscience of Emotion and Cognition • Ground -breaking discoveries in neuroscience reveal that our perceptions, attitudes, decisions and behaviour are influenced by both cognition and emotion. (Martin, 2011) • Areas of the brain associated with rational thought and decision -making have direct connections to areas associated with feelings. They do not exist in separate psychological compartments and they interact in complex ways. (Amabile and Kramer, 2007) Emotions, Attitude and Behaviour • Attitude = Judgement (cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings and behavioural intentions towards a person, object or event) • Emotions = Experiences (conscious or unconscious awareness) • Behaviour = Actions you choose as an intentional response A Clip F rom Inside Out An amygdala hijack is an emotional over -reaction to a particular stimulus. It arises when your amygdala – the part of the brain that regulates emotion – is triggered by an unfavourable event of some sort.

As a result, you “have a sudden, intense emotional reaction, and when it’s over you think, ‘I wish I hadn’t said that’.” (Goleman 1998) Activity: The main character in this Inside Out clip had an amygdala hijack. What workplace -related examples can you think of that could result in a similar reaction? Emotions in the Workplace • When something happens at work (any event, interaction, announcement, email correspondence, conflict etc .) – it immediately triggers cognitive, emotional and motivational processes. • This results in sense -making or perception (to figure out what happened, why it happened, what ’s the implication etc.) • These perceptions feed the emotions evoked by the event, and the emotions in turn feed the perception, which then shifts the behaviour and affects how people perform their work. (Amabile and Kramer, 2007) Positive and Negative E motions at Work • Emotions shape employee attitudes. Attitudes then influence various forms of work -related behaviour. • Therefore emotions (without conscious thinking) influence a person’s behaviour. • Emotions also relate to a person’s innate personality.

Some people experience positive emotions as a natural trait. Others do not. • Positive and negative emotional traits affect a person’s attitude at work. (Brotheridge & Grandey , 2002) Definition of Emotional I ntelligence • Mayer and Salovey (1997) conceptualised emotional intelligence as comprising four dimensions and defined emotional intelligence as follows: • Emotional intelligence involves the ability to – perceive accurately , appraise, and express emotion; – the ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; – the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and – the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

‘….lies at the intersection between emotion and cognition ’ (Mayer , Salovey and Caruso, 2000 ) Activity The definition of emotional intelligence on the previous slide contained four key dimensions.

Each group will now be allocated one of those dimensions.

Your task is to find a quotation, much like this one by Aristotle, that you feel best encapsulates your allocated dimension.

Share your quotation with the class but, most importantly, explain how it relates to the dimension you’ve been allocated. Emotional Intelligence • Emotional intelligence was first proposed by Mayer and Salovey (1990) as a type of ‘ social intelligence’. • Goleman’s (1995) research claimed the possession of such an attribute was a greater predictor of success than IQ. Activity: Why is that? In groups, discuss the way in which EQ may be a more valuable attribute than IQ in relation to workplace success. Goleman’s EQ Model (2002) One of the most respected and widely cited conceptualisations of EQ is this model by Daniel Goleman, illustrated here by the Global Leadership Foundation.

On the following slides, we will explore each of these four quadrants in much more detail. Self - Awareness • Emotional self -awareness: “I recognise my emotions and their effects on others.” • Accurate self -assessment: “I accurately understand my strengths and my limitations.” • Self -confidence: “I have a strong sense of my self -worth and my capabilities.” (Richardson 2006) Activity: Each group will be allocated one of the abovenamed components of self -awareness. Your task is to use your smartphone device to research the simple question: How? More specifically:

- How can you recognise your emotions and their effect on others? - How can you accurately understand your strengths and limitations? - How can you develop a strong sense of your self -worth and capabilities? Self - Management • Self -control: Staying “ calm and clear -headed in a highly stressful situation or during crisis”. • Transparency: “An authentic openness to others about one’s feelings, beliefs, and actions.” • Adaptability: Juggling “multiple demands without losing one’s focus or energy”. • Achievement drive: Constantly seeking performance improvements and high standards. • Initiative: Evident in those who “seize opportunities, or create them, rather than simply waiting”. (Nwokah and Ahiauzu 2009) Activity: In groups, discuss which of those self -management practices would be most useful to you as an MBA student. Why did you choose that practice? How could you make it a reality? Social Awareness • Empathy: “Sensing others' feelings and perspectives, and taking an active interest in their concerns.” • Organisational awareness: “Reading a group's emotional currents and power relationships.” • Service orientation: “Anticipating, recognising , and meeting customers' needs.” (Boyatzis and Sala 2004) Activity: Here’s another clip from Inside Out . In groups see if you can identify each of the three social awareness components outlined above. Relationship Management • Inspirational leadership: “Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups.” • Developing others: “Sensing others' development needs and bolstering their abilities.” • Influence: “Wielding effective tactics for persuasion.” • Change catalyst: “Initiating or managing change.” • Conflict management: “Negotiating and resolving disagreements.” • Teamwork and collaboration: “Working with others toward shared goals. Creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals .” (Boyatzis and Sala 2004) Activity: Working individually, your task is to select one of these strategies that you feel is a strong attribute of yours – but also select one that you honestly feel is one of your weakest. Share, if you’re brave enough to be vulnerable in front of the class, why you chose those two attributes. Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Diversity • Cultural norms on emotional display vary across cultural dimensions. • Some cultures discourage emotional expression whereas other cultures expect people to act consistently with their true emotions. • In which category does your culture belong? Emotional Intelligence C ompetency • At a neurological level, cultivating a competency means extinguishing the old habit as the brain’s automatic response and replacing it with a new one. • Mastering EI, just like mastery of any other competency, requires practice and occurs when you come to a point when an old habit loses its status as the default response and the new one takes its place. • So let’s test your emotional intelligence by completing this questionnaire: https:// • How did you go? What did you learn about yourself? Summary In this workshop we’ve:

• Explored the role of emotions and its link to cognition and behaviour in the workplace. • Recognised the four dimensions of Emotional Intelligence and their value in enhancing workplace performance and satisfaction. Next week we’ll explore:

“The Emotionally Intelligent Leader”