You going to write base on this main question: " Given that Title IX permits a gender-separate legal structure for athletic participation, can women’s sports achieve equal social status in the athl

Heungying Wong

Education 150

Annotated Bibliography

May 3, 2019

Bradshaw, S., Castellino, J., & Diop, B. (2013). Women's role in economic development: overcoming the constraints, prepared for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Retrieved from

The article by Bradshaw, Castellino and Diop is a recap of the gender roles accorded to women and how they can or cannot help in economic development. It is truly evident that despite the long struggle for gender equality, women are still faced with a challenge in exercising equal rights in social and economic positions. The article is an evidence-based study of whether to invest on women, the current constraints hindering women from realizing their full potentials as well as the priority concerns to implement to unblock these constraints (Bradshaw, Castellino & Diop, 2013). Besides, women often struggle on strategies which will make them productive in the social setting but majorly faced with barriers such as male chauvinism which dominates among many individuals. Women consistently try to build economically productive tasks in an attempt to raise their social settings but equality is highly interfered with mostly by the men who do not want competition in the market setting.

International IDEA, (2016). Constitution Assessment for Women’s Equality. International IDEA resources on constitution-building processes, ISBN: 978-91-7671-049-4. Retrieved from

Women rights and gender equality is a major aspect of study which has been constitutionally sated and clarified. The constitution clearly states that both women and men are equal and deserve equality in every task undertaken. However, in the contemporary social setting, this deviates from the expected course of order where women are presented as subjects to men. With gender equality being the cornerstone to a democratic and just society, several human rights activist groups have ventured their concerns to protecting women rights and empowerment (International IDEA, 2016). Despite all these efforts being put in place, women are often exposed to diverse gender discrimination instances in their day to day activities. Socially, women are perceived to be less able to undertake certain tasks, unlike men who are presented as able to do all the available tasks as well as leading in all authoritative offices in any given social setting.

Pittman, A., (2014). Fast-Forwarding Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment? Reflections on Measuring Change for UNDP’s Thematic Evaluation on Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality 2008-2013. Occasional Paper, United Nations Development Program. Retrieved from

According to Pittman, when the topic about gender equality is stated in any social setting, the main idea that rings in our minds are women empowerment from the oppression accorded to them. The article was scripted and published with an aim to evaluate the best strategies which would enhance women empowerment through a thematic evaluation of gender roles. Mainstreaming and gender equality and women's empowerment, the article lays a descriptive analysis of three phases to achieve this. First, there is a historical overview of the emergence of gender considerations in international development (Pittman, 2014). Secondly, the article presents an outline of gender mainstreaming in UNDP as a tool to fast-forward gender equality and women’s empowerment. Lastly, as mandated in the article, it narrates the key challenges, tools, and methods to measure complex changes in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Thus, it captures a more nuanced social and structural changes in women’s and men’s lives.

Razavi, S., & Qayum, S. (2016). Gender Equality and Sustainable Development. In Gender Equality and Sustainable Development (Vol. 156, No. 166, pp. 156-166). ROUTLEDGE in association with GSE Research. Retrieved from

Gender equality is a factor which prevails in every aspect of our daily living. With a society which practices gender equality, the outcomes are significant by generating sustainable developments guided by an equality perspective. The debate about women rights has been in existence since time immemorial where certain individuals think that women do not deserve equal rights while others demand equality. However, even with all these social conflicts of women equality, it evident that women are not accorded the rightful gender shares as compared to men (Razavi & Qayum, 2016). The link between women and development is morally and ethically upright since we cannot ignore their rights, dignity, and capabilities of women forever baring with the fact that they form half of the world’s population. Therefore, women’s knowledge, agency, and collective action have huge potential to improve resource productivity and sustainable use of natural resources where failure to capitalize on this, it would be a missed opportunity.

Seguino, S., Sumner, A., van der Hoeven, R., Sen, B., & Ahmed, M. (2013). Humanity Divided: Confronting inequality in developing countries. UNDP. Retrieved from

Gender is the primary fundamental marker of every social and economic stratification which comes by as a result of the exclusion. Regardless of a woman's socioeconomic status, there will always be specific gender disparities in matters to do with material well-being even though the level of the inequality might differ from one geographical region to another or time periods. Furthermore, as an outcome, gender inequality is associated with most communities where the men are averagely better placed in social, economic, and political hierarchies as compared to the women (Seguino et al., 2013). Over the past decades, efforts have been put in place to reduce gender inequality which has been a dominating aspect in both international organizations and national or state strategy statements. As a result, the millennium development goals reflect on the global attention to the issue of gender inequality and has been providing the impetus for governments to eliminate gender inequality in primary social settings.