Academics use scholarly writing and scholarly voice to convey information. This type of writing is different than many people are used to. You will need to constantly work on your scholarly writing th

Running head: DoeEDU5000-5 1

[Edit the running head on pages 1 & 2 as explained in the week 1 template, erase instructions.

The syllabus instructions for week 5 require you to submit two assignments and there are two droboxes provided. This assignment will be submitted in the Week 5 – Assignment 1 dropbox. Be sure you submit the second assignment in the Week 5 – Assignment 2 dropbox, otherwise your grade may not be recorded properly. Be careful to not submit both assignments in the Week 5 – Assignment 1 dropbox.]

Develop Scholarly Writing Skills

First and Last Name

Northcentral University

Develop Scholarly Writing Skills

[Immediately under the title above, offer a brief one or two sentence introduction. Immediately following the introduction present a purpose statement for the assignment. For example, for this assignment your purpose statement could read as follows. The purpose of this assignment is to further develop my scholarly writing skills by improving an earlier piece of my writing.]

Problem Statement from Unit Two

[Copy and paste your problem statement from unit 2. Do not alter it in any way in this section.]

Rewritten Version of Problem Statement

[Following syllabus guidance rewrite your problem statement so it reflects all you have learned up to this point about scholarly writing.]

Summary of Which Resources I Used and How They Helped Improve My Writing

[The resources referred to are those mentioned in the syllabus for this unit. Try to identify at least three that you found to be particularly helpful and explain why you found them to be so. The syllabus says the length requirement for this assignment is only one page but please disregard that since you will need two or three pages for all three parts of the assignment.]


[Offer a brief two or three sentence reflection on what you learned about scholarly writing this week.]
