The readings assigned this week challenge you to think critically about the purpose of education.1. What is the purpose of education and how have these readings challenged your perceptions of educatio

English 201, Assignment 1 Notes

  1. concession: losing (or at least seeming to lose) to win

  1. syncrisis: reframing, renaming (“So I should lower my standards when dating?” “Not lower, deepen.”)

  1. commonplace: a universally (or at least somewhat) recognized reference point; a point of shared attitude or at least familiarity; best example—pop culture references

  1. amplification (or dirimens copulation, “joining by interrupting”): “Not only...but also”; “—and it can also...” (interrupting either yourself or another person)

  1. seduction: descriptively embedding the audience/listener in order to lead to a concession; most advertising/marketing does this

  1. chiasmus: a rhetorical mirror image; a well-known Malcolm X quote is a good example—“We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us.”

  1. the fundamental differences between arguing and fighting (or being “eristic”): to argue is trying to persuade; to fight is trying to win

  1. prolepsis: conceding in advance (to cut out as much of the argument middle man as possible)—“I’ll grant you...”; “I know...but...”

  1. Cicero’s three goals of persuasion:

  1. STIMULATE your audience’s emotions. (mood)

  1. CHANGE your audience’s opinion. (mind)

  1. GET your audience to act. (desire)

  1. the “humblebrag”: essentially—admitting a mistake, usually something small, made while doing something noble, hardworking, or well-meaning; or made in the midst of a high/prestigious position

  2. 2 pages, MLA format (double-spaced and all that stuff).  Apply at least 3 of the concepts from the Assignment 1 Notes (posted under "Content" in Blackboard) to part of a movie or TV show that you enjoyed and found rhetorically persuasive.