This task this assessment is primarily about ‘doing’ management work through structured online conversations. Your online conversations for this assessment involve critical thought about the knowl

Topic 7 Elevator Pitch MGT501

Walking both sides of the street

You are a senior manager in a major electronics and appliances retail store. The store has branches across Australia, and in Asia and Europe. Sales have been falling for over a year now. (You can guess why, can’t you?) You are attending a board meeting where the problems with the current strategy of the company are being discussed.

“So, customers aren’t responding to price matching and they don’t seem to care about excellent service, so what now? Just close up shop? I need some ideas, please.”

Put your best foot forward! In 130 words, or around one minute of speaking, what is your ‘killer idea’ to counter the drift from bricks-and-mortar retail to online?