Well-written project documentation clarifies intent, documents decisions and results, and allows project managers to assess project progress (and report it, as necessary, to project stakeholders) at e

Eric Case

CMGT 410

June 10, 2019

Project Plan Draft

Which methodology, Agile or waterfall, do you think is most appropriate for a project characterized by innovation, loosely defined requirements, and high risk? Why? Be sure to cite at least two sources to support your rationale. In a project which is characterized by innovation, loosely defined requirements and high risk the best method for this is agile. This is iterative, a team-based method for expansion. This approach stresses on quick provision of applications for completing useful mechanisms. Relatively than the creation of responsibilities besides project programs altogether the period is time-boxed in stages so-called sprint. Every of the sprints take got defined length through an administration list for deliverable which are prearranged at start of sprint. In case all prearranged work for sprint could be accomplished the labor is arranged and info is cast-off for upcoming sprint development.

For agile method is soft-ware developing process (Ahmedet al,2010). An agile method is interactive method where client fulfillment at the uppermost importance as customer has got straight connection in evaluation of soft-ware (Boehm&Turner,2003).In this methodology, as the job is accomplished it could be appraised besides can be assessed by team involved in project, through the daily dimensions besides the ending sprint showpieces. It depends on very high close for client participation through the plan, particularly throughout the appraisals.

Which methodology, Agile or waterfall, do you think is most appropriate for a project characterized by comprehensively defined requirements and low risk? Why? Be sure to cite at least two sources to support your rationale. The Waterfall methodology is the best as it is a well-structured and described the method and most of the time by which clients distinguish precisely whatever is likely to be received. For this project, it is usually good for employee turnover. When the client or the contractor focus on outcome and speed is not a primary factor. The singularity of the development process is simple to present and understand by business roles in the organization.

For the project, you chose as a good fit for Agile, describe the following roles: project manager, project sponsor, business analyst, and scrum master. In the agile projects, we have got the roles of project sponsors and those of scrum master being confused. For a scrum master, they facilitate the team and they continuously interact with the team ironing out the interpersonal conflicts, focusing the team on workflow, and ensuring nothing blocks the team from the achievement of their sprint goals. For the project sponsor, they usually provide incentive and experience for side at advanced level. The supporter has got subjects and obstructions intensified to them when they get outside the span of the team control. For project managers, they advance tactics; reporting and tracking the development assigning duty and management of resources.

In some of the cases, business analysts usually transition to the produce holder character. It is usual business change to business analysts. They favor to effort in contextual in the additional supportive part which might be fledging to fully expansion group members who frequently depend on if they provision unique or numerous of the players for this usually picking some roles of business owners including division inscription besides tolerant, organization of the employer or the SMEs reception test.

For the project, you chose as a good fit for the waterfall, describe the following roles: project manager, project sponsor, business analyst, and program manager. For the waterfall methodology, it has a project manager that is a critical individual in the project and is the one who is responsible for the quality of the software as manages the project and divides the tasks among the team involved in the project. The project sponsor is the one responsible for providing the required capital for the project well-being. We also have got a business analyst who is tasked with creation of the soft-ware products to be prevalent in digital marketplace and therefore writing the strategies of the business. The program manager is the change of creating code and they should avoid bugs during their work.

Define project, project life-cycle, and software-development-life-cycle. How does a developmentā€™s software development-life-cycle differ from the development life cycle? A project is an activity which is carried out in meeting the creation of a specific product or service. The project life cycle can be defined as a four-step process which is used by almost all the project managers when handling the project. This offers a framework for the management of a variety of project among the business.

Software-development-life-cycle is a framework which describes task which is performed at every innovative package of the development method (Balaji, 2012). This is the structure during development team among package organization. This has got a detailed plot of development, maintenance, and replacement of the specific software. For project-life cycle differs from software-development-life-cycle since it is not specific on the project carrying out, unlike the software development lifecycle where one is aware that cycle aims at coming up with certain software.


AhmedA. AhmadS., MirzaE. EhsanN.,and SarwarS.(2010). Softwares Development for Agile: Impact on the Production and the Quality in Proceeding of the IEEE.

Boehm. AndTurnerR.( 2003 ).Balance Agility and Disciplining: A Guiding for Perplexasion, Adison, Wesleys.

BalajiS. and Murugaiyan, S.( 2012 ).Waterfallvs.Vmodelvs.Agile: Comparative studies on the Software Development Life Cycle. Worldwide journal of informational expertise and commercial management.