Data set : Los Angeles TraffiC Collision Data Link : Provide an outline for this project so that I can approve the work before yo

Running Head: Los Angeles Traffic Collision - Description

Business Intelligence

Professor: Mary Lind

University of the Cumberlands

Residency Week

Group 1

Chintan Gajjar

Vaibhavbhai Prabodhbhai Gajjar

Kakumanu Shirdi Sai Deepak Kakumanu

Pujitha Kotapati

Deepak Kumar

 Kranthi Kumar Nallapu

Siddhi Sharma

Nagaraju Tadiboyina

Vishesh Vasala


Los Angeles Traffic Collision Data


This Dataset provides the Los Angeles Traffic Collision data from 2010 to 2019. The Information for this data set is derived from original traffic reports. The exact address of the collision is not mentioned in the dataset to maintain anonymity, but the latitude and longitudes of the incident is presented for nearest neighborhood.

In this dataset there are 475227 rows of data with 24 columns to provide a good overview of collisions that took place in Los Angeles during traffic. Data sets from Kaggle are also considered in this dataset.

Column Description.

Los Angeles Traffic collision Data:

DR Number: Driver’s License ID

Date Reported: Date when collision has been reported

Date Occurred: Date when collision has occurred

Time Occurred: Time of collision in 24 Hour Format

Area ID: ID of the Area where collision has occurred

Area Name: Name of the Area where the collision has occurred

Reporting District: A code used to create reports based on geographic sub-areas within an area.

Crime Code: Informs about the crime committed

Crime Code Description: Describes about the Crime Code

MO Codes: Modus Operandi: Used to provide information about the suspect related to the crime.

Age: Age of the victim encountered by the collision.

Victim Sex: Sex of the victim encountered by the collision

Victim Descent: Ethnicity

Premise Code: Location where the incident took place.

Premise Description: Code of the location where the incident took place.

Address: County address information to pin point the exact location.

Cross Street: Cross street of the approximate address

Location: Latitude and Longitudes to provide the nearest incident location and rest of the address is unchanged.

Zip Codes: Zip code of the collision location

Census Tracts: Neighborhood code.

Precinct Boundaries: Police Headquarters located within the vicinity of the incident.

#LA Specific Plans

#Council Districts

#Neighborhood Councils (Certified)