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Assignment: "Narrative of Mary Rowlandson Who was Taken Captive by the Wamponoags under King Philip, in 1676"

Please read "Captivity of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson Among the Indians of Massachusetts, 1676." - 58 to 86

As we move into the study of the Narrative of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson Who was taken Captive by the Wamponoags Under King Philip, In 1676, I want you to keep in mind that the Puritans were very interested in promoting this book, which was published in 1682, and indeed, it was widely read. Scholars often argue that there are reasons behind why certain books are made best sellers and why there are certain stories, news items, and novels that are banned or silenced. As you read the narrative, I would like for you to ponder what you think the very first main aim of this book was. Then, what do you think was the secondary aim and the third aim. Your point of view will be based on your own personal experience reading the book. I would like for you to come up with your very own unique argument and provide reasons for your argument. You will also need to quote from various parts of the book and not just one section.

Please answer all below questions in the paper.

Narrative of the Captivity of Mary Rowlandson:

Book of ...

Faith? Women Empowerment?

Criminalization of American Indians?

Sustaining Community through Depictions of Threat?

How would you rank the aims of this book? Which comes first? Second? Third?

To promote faith?

To empower women?

To criminalize the Wamponoags?

To sustain the community with depictions of threat?

  • What do you think could have been the ultimate reason for why this book was widely promoted?

  • Would you say this was ultimately a faith book? If yes, how would you define this faith? What was its purpose?

  • Or, is it a book ultimately aimed to empower women?

  • Or, is it a book that presents a unique understanding of the Wamponoags? Is it ultimately just intended to promote a violent image of American Americans? Or, does it challenge images of American Indians?

  • Or, is it a book intended to sustain the Puritan community by dramatizing its threats to survival?

  • Write an in depth response full of insightful analysis, rich detail, and quotes from different segments of the text. Organize your ideas using logical paragraph structures that are well connected. Please see the rubric in the powerpoint for extended explanations of the requirements.

Grading Rubric for the Homework Assignment:

  • The following will positively affect the students' performance:

  • It is clear that the student has read the assigned texts from start to finish. The student has covered the overall themes of the reading being studied and the student also refers to specific quotes from various parts of the readings. Comments and quotes are not just limited to the beginning only or to one part of the reading only.

  • The student has thoroughly answered the questions for this homework assignment.

  • The student showed confidence at all times in presenting his or her own unique understanding of the literature. The student took complete ownership of understanding the literature on his or her own terms.

  • Comments reveal deep understanding of the material.

  • Comments reveal a skillful application of ideas to the reading.

  • The student has revealed his or her clear understanding of the material by providing adequate and solid references from the readings or other materials. In other words, the student has quoted at least two different sentences or important ideas and has summarized other segments of the narrative.

  • The student has referred to ideas and facts presented in the videos. 

  • The student's comments demonstrates critical understanding of the topic by expanding the issue, bringing in additional perspectives, and promoting additional discussion.

  • The student remains focused on the topic under study.

  • Contributions were made in a timely way and displayed a high level of engagement.

  • There were few or no errors in the writing, mechanics and citation. The writing is clear and the student has made sophisticated stylistic choices.