looking for help in completing my take home FINAL EXAM. I have attached the Question paper and i have also attached the slides that will help you in it.   if you have any other questions please feel f


DUE: MONDAY 24TH JUNE, 2019, in the Philosophy Department Office by 4:00 pm



Answer all the questions in total, according to the instructions for each section A and B below. There is also an optional bonus section worth 5 marks. Marks will be allocated according to how thorough and detailed your exposition and evaluation of the material are, and how well you support your own position by use of moral theory, information from the text and lectures. Organize your answers in essay form, and respond clearly to each of the points set out in the question you are answering. You may use sub-headers to structure your answer if you wish. Typed answers are preferred, but hand-written papers will be accepted.

Section A:

1. John Rawls’ argued for an Egalitarian system in his Theory of Justice. Explain the theory in detail (about a page), then answer the following questions:

  • Is it realistic to believe that people could ever actually operate ‘behind the veil of ignorance’ in the way that Rawls describes?

    • Why or why not?

  • In what way might egalitarianism be considered an effective way of structuring society?

    • Give examples.

  • In what way might Egalitarianism be an ineffective way of structuring society.

    • Give examples.

  • Compare and contrast Rawls’ concept of justice with that of Aristotle or Plato.

  • Would you personally want to live in a country that followed Rawls’ system of distributive justice?

  • Why or why not?

  • Of the modern systems of distributive justice we have looked at (Egalitarianism, Utilitarianism, Libertarianism), which does Canada most resemble, and why?

  • Which does Canada least resemble, and why? (20 marks)

2.Robert Nozick argued for a Libertarian system in his Anarchy and Utopia. Explain the theory in detail (about a page), then answer the following questions:

  • Do you agree that if people banded together in small communities, from a previously isolated existence, the only tax they would accept paying would concern protection of property rights, i.e. the Night-watchman State?

    • Or do you believe that people would agree to pay taxes for additional social services?

    • If so, which ones?

    • Explain your answer.

  • Do you accept Nozick’s argument that the process of justice in acquisition/justice in holdings/justice in transfer lead to a fair distribution of the goods of life in modern society?

    • Why or why not?

  • In what way might Libertarianism be considered an effective way of structuring society?

    • Give examples.

  • In what ways might libertarianism be considered to be an ineffective way of structuring society.

    • Give examples.

  • Compare and contrast Nozick’s concept of justice with that of Aristotle or Plato.

  • Would you personally want to live in a country that followed Nozick’s system of distributive justice?

    • Why or why not?

  • Which modern country most closely follows Nozick’s system in your view?

    • Explain your answer.

  • Which modern country least closely follows Nozick’s system in your view?

    • Explain your answer. (20 marks)


3.What are the two main arguments in favour of the existence of capitalism? Set these out in detail, then answer the following questions:

  • Give two criticisms of each of these arguments.

  • How effective are these criticisms,

  • i.e. is capitalism able to withstand these criticisms, do you think?

    • Why or why not?

    • Explain your answer. (20 marks)

4.Set out the 5 stages of capitalism we looked at in class, with a brief historical account of the key features of each of them, and why they arose when they did.

In addition to the 5 stages, include a section on proto-capitalism, i.e. before the first stage set out in your text, and which encompasses most of the 200,000 years of human history:

  • Do you believe that humanity has a genetic predisposition to engage in trade and commerce, as I suggested in class? (Answer Yes or No, then answer the relevant section below):

    • If YES, how does this affect the kind of society we need to design that best reflects our human nature?

      • i.e. which of the kinds of distributive justice (Egalitarian, Utilitarian, Libertarian) best reflects this aspect of human nature? OR

    • If NO, how does this affect the kind of society we need to design that best reflects our human nature?

      • i.e. which of the kinds of distributive justice (Egalitarian, Utilitarian, Libertarian) best reflects this aspect of human nature?

Also include a section on what is to come in the future, i.e. after the 5 stages:

  • Will capitalism continue in the same form as it currently does, do you think, or will it need to be modified, or possibly eliminated altogether?

    • Why or why not?

    • Explain your answer. (20 marks)

BONUS QUESTION: Do you agree with Rousseau that the world would have been a better place if humanity’s response to the first person who fenced off a piece of commonly held and used land, saying “This is mine!” was to rip down the fence and laugh at him or her?

  • Why or why not?

  • Explain your answer. (5 Marks)