Take on the role of Risk Management Analyst for .   Using the Security Risk Mitigation Plan Template, create a 4- to 5.5-page Security Risk Mitigation Plan for the organization you chose. The page ass

Security Standards, Policies, and Procedures Manual Template

Instructions: Replace the information in brackets [ ] with information relevant to your project.

Cyber Security Engineers are responsible for safeguarding computer networks and systems in an organization in order to protect the sensitive data they store.  

Take on the role of Cyber Security Engineer for the organization you chose in Week 1. Research the following information for your chosen organization. Develop a Security Standards, Policies, and Procedures Manual using this template with recommendations to management of security standards, polices, and procedures which should be implemented in your organization.

[Organization Name] Overview

Explain the importance to your organization of implementing security policies, plans, and procedures. Discuss how security policies, plans, and procedures will improve the overall security of the organization.


Data Privacy Policies and Procedures


Data Isolation Policies and Procedures


Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Policies and Procedures


Intellectual Property (IP) Policies and Procedures


Password Policies and Procedures


Acceptable Use of Organizational Assets and Data Policies and Procedures


Employee Policies and Procedures (Separation of Duties/Training)


Risk Response Policies and Procedures

Define avoidance, transference, mitigation, and acceptance strategies and criteria.


Compliance (Regulatory, Advisory, Informative)

Examples could include: HIPPA, FERPA, ISO, NIST, SEC, and Sarbanes/Oxley.


Incident Response Policies and Procedures

Include: Preparation, Identification, Containment, Eradication, Recovery, and Lessons Learned


Auditing Policies and Procedures


Environmental/Physical Policies and Procedures


Administrative Policies and Procedures


Configuration Policies and Procedures
