Take on the role of Risk Management Analyst for .   Using the Security Risk Mitigation Plan Template, create a 4- to 5.5-page Security Risk Mitigation Plan for the organization you chose. The page ass


This is a security threats, attacks, and vulnerability assessment paper for an organization known as JJ People. JJ People is an organization that deals with software development, website development and mobile application development. JJ People only uses Java programming language to design its software.

Java is a computer programming language. It enables programmers to write computer instructions using English-based commands instead of having to write in numeric codes. Java is known as a high-level language because it can be read and written easily by humans.

JJ People IT designs its desktop applications using Java Standard Edition (Java SE), its websites using Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and its mobile applications using Android, which entirely depends on Java. JJ People is an international organization that was established in Canada in 2002. Its headquarters is in London, United Kingdom. JJ People has several assets, which include computers that are used to program, website hosting servers where they host their client’s websites, database servers where they put their client’s data, cloud computing services for the database and network infrastructure that supports all these.

Assessment scope of JJ People



Network fiber optic and cables

Routers, switches, gateways, modems, wireless access points, proxy servers and firewalls

Web servers

Database servers, mail servers, application server, and telnet server

Mobiles and tablets for testing website responsiveness


Operating system

Utilities (antivirus etc.)

Commercial applications such as word processing, photo editing etc.

Database management system and all other software

System model

Take on the role of Risk Management Analyst for .   Using the Security Risk Mitigation Plan Template, create a 4- to 5.5-page Security Risk Mitigation Plan for the organization you chose. The page ass 1

From the diagram we can see that we have routers, switches, computers, laptops, servers, and there is also a firewall that is not included.

Router – this is a networking device that forwards packets between networks

Switch – a network device that connects devices together in a network

Server – a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource in a network

Firewall – a software or hardware put on the network that prevents forbidden communication as depicted by the network policy

Existing countermeasures

Before we look at the countermeasures used by JJ People organization, let us first define a couple of terms. They include: countermeasures, vulnerability and threats.

Countermeasures are seen as control. Control as an action, device, procedure, or technique that removes or reduces vulnerability. A vulnerability is a weakness in the system, for example, in procedures, design, or implementation that might be exploited to cause loss or harm. A threat to a computing system is a something that has the potential to cause loss or harm.

JJ People used the C.I.A triad also known as security triad to ensure that they protect their devices and software from threats. The C.I.A stands for confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality is the ability of a system to ensure that an asset is viewed only by authorized parties. Integrity is ensuring that an asset is modified only by authorized parties. Availability is the ability to ensure that an asset can be used by any authorized parties.

JJ People has in place security policies that are adhered to and touch on various areas including

  1. Network devices and infrastructure

The network devices such as routers and switches will be accessed by network administrators.

Passwords of network devices such as routers and switches will be changed every fortnight and it should be a strong password that includes letters, numbers and special characters.

The network administrator should ensure that the password is encrypted.

The network devices such as routers should lock a user out of the network when he / she tries to access the network by providing two attempts of invalid passwords.

The network devices such as routers and switches should be accessed through the use of Secure Shell (SSH) protocol which is a protocol that facilitates strong authentication and secure connection.

  1. Servers

Servers should be physically located in an access-controlled environment.

Servers should be up to date with the latest security patches.

Servers should only be accessed by system administrators.

Access to services on the server should be logged.

Servers should be accessed over the network through a Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.

Daily incremental back up and weekly full back up will be done on servers.

Users accessing the database server will be given limited access as possible in terms of rights and privileges.

Antivirus policy

All computers and mobile devices including servers should be installed with an antivirus by system administrators.

Antivirus software should be up to data at all times.

Always scan devices attached to computers such as flash drives before using them.

Never download files from unknown or suspicious sources.

Threat agents and possible attacks

Threat agent can be seen as an individual or group or anything that can bring about a threat.

  1. A user can save the wrong data thus compromising the integrity of the data.

  2. A java programmer in our case who writes code that performs indefinite loop taking a lot of computer memory and therefore bringing about memory leaks rendering the computer unusable.

  3. Software that does not have latest security patches opening the computer to various attacks such as virus attacks.

  4. A person can try and guess the network passwords through trial and error causing brute force attack.

  5. A person can overwhelm the web server with traffic so that it can crash and therefore leading to denial of services attack.

  6. An attacker can attach a worm to an email attachment and when unsuspecting user downloads the attachment, the worm starts infecting his / her system as it penetrates through the network leading to worm attacks.

  7. Malware attacks – a user can set up a website that has kits to find vulnerabilities in a system and when a user visits the site a malware is forced into their system.

  8. An attacker can inject malicious code into a website so as to access the server through cross site scripting attack.

  9. An attacker can enter SQL commands on a website so as to manipulate the data in the database server thus resulting in SQL injection attack.

  10. An attacker can write a code to look at opened ports on a system through the network and exploit that vulnerability leading to scan attacks.

  11. A disgruntled employee can steal company information or leak sensitive information to competitors leading to insider attack.

  12. An employee can decide to steal a laptop or mobile devices leading to physical attack.

  13. An attacker can send emails or set up a website whereby they ask users to enter their bank details and other details leading to theft of identity and user confidential details. This type of attack is known as phishing attack.

  14. A group of elite team of hackers can target users so as to steal their information over a specific period of time using several techniques such phishing etc. This type of attack is known as advanced persistent threat.

  15. Malvertising attack – this is whereby an attacker uses the online advertising to inject malware into a user’s system when they click on the infected advert.

Exploitable vulnerabilities

The types of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an attacker include

  1. Insufficient testing of the Java programmed software.

  2. Lack of proper design while coming up with the Java software.

  3. Lack of implementing strong passwords to the system and having passwords such as “admin”.

  4. Lack of having antivirus that are up to date.

  5. Inadequate recruiting process of personnel.

  6. Unprotected communication lines

  7. Insecure network architecture

  8. Lack of closing unused ports.

Penetration testing

This document will deal with penetration testing of a website application developed by JJ People Limited. The website application has been developed using the Java Enterprise Edition (JavaEE) and the database used is MySQL database due to its popularity in website applications and E-commerce. The website application is known as Niko. In this penetration testing we will look at the pre-planning, the timeline required, the location of the testing, the countries where the tests will take place, the technologies used to conduct the penetration testing among other things. Let us start by defining penetration testing.

Penetration testing (or pentesting) simulates real attacks to assess the risk associated with potential security breaches. During a pentest, the testers not only discover vulnerabilities that could be used by attackers but also exploit vulnerabilities, where possible, to assess what attackers might gain after a successful exploitation.

Penetration testing scope

The penetration testing will test various areas of the system. The areas will include:

Passwords attacks

Client-side attacks

Social engineering

Web application attacks such as SQL injection

Wireless attacks

Stack-based buffer overflow

Pentest Pre-planning

The penetration testing of the website application will take 3 weeks and every test will have its own phase, for example passwords attack will be phase one and stack-based buffer overflow will be phase six.

The Niko website application was developed at the headquarter office in London and it will be hosted in the headquarters’ servers. This implies that the testing will happen at the JJ People Limited headquarters’ office in London.

The website application penetration testing team will involve two senior full-stack website developers, who will test the website application attacks such as cross site scripting attacks, two systems administrators who will test password attacks, two network administrators who will test wireless and network attacks, two database administrators who will test database attacks such as SQL-injection attacks, and two senior java programmers who will test stack-based overflow and other Java related problems.

The client’s agreed that since the testing of a website application is a technical endeavor, client’s personnel that were aware of the testing were from technical departments and they include: one senior full-stack website developer, one senior Java programmer, one systems administrator, one network administrator, one senior database administrator and the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

The penetration testing team will be provided with various resources such as access to the server and the database server as long as it has been approved by the senior systems administrator, computers, and network access as long as it has been approved by the senior network administrator. The penetration team will also have access to the entire code and the database code.

Tools used

The penetration testing team will use various technologies such as virtual machine known as VMware and Kali Linux. According to Kali.org website, Kali Linux is a “Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing”. We will also use other technologies such as:


We will use the hyperion encryption program to bypass the antivirus software


Veil-Evasion is a tool that generates payload executables you can use to bypass common antivirus solutions.


Ettercap is a tool that is used to perform man-in-the-middle attacks.

We will use nslookup which is a tool that turns a domain name from the human-readable URL to an IP address. We will use Whois tool so as to know the information of a person who registered a certain domain. We will use Maltego technology which is a data-mining tool that has been designed to visualize open source intelligence gathering. We will use the nmap tool for port scanning. We will also use ghost-phisher which is a wireless and Ethernet security auditing and attack software. We will use nikto tool which is a web server scanner which scans the server for potentially dangerous files among others. We will use sqlmap which detects SQL injection in a database server. We will also use several other tools such as proxyStrike, jboss-autopwn, FunkLoad etc.

Test boundaries

What is tested?

The penetration testing has got six phases: passwords attacks (testing how an attacker can access the system e.g. using weak passwords), client-side attacks (testing whether an attacker can inject malicious code using techniques such as cross-site scripting), website application attacks such as SQL injection, network and wireless attacks, social engineering attacks and stack-based buffer overflow.

Social engineering testing

A social engineering test uses techniques by professional ethical hackers to trick a customer’s staff into revealing sensitive information or perform the actions that create security holes for a hacker to access the network.

We will test the on-site and off-site social engineering penetration testing.

Physical security testing

A physical penetration test sets out to uncover weaknesses in your physical security before bad potential unauthorized persons enter. We will test the physical security from internal boundaries i.e. from within the organization such as an unauthorized employee trying to access the server and from external boundaries i.e. an unauthorized employee trying to access the organization building.

Restrictions on penetration testing

Limitation of time

Penetration testing takes a shorter time to conduct whereas an attacker can have a week, month or even a year to plan his / her attack.

Limitation of scope

Organizations do not test everything because they have limited their scope of testing thus leaving areas that might be vulnerable and can be a perfect place for an attacker to attack.

Limitation of known exploits

Testers only test the system from areas that they only know such as cross-site scripting; SQL injection etc. leaving out areas that they don’t know which an attacker can find vulnerability and exploit.

The type of corporate policies that affect our test include password policies, network policies etc.

Pentest Execution planning


We gathered information about our target such as IP address, web server, network topology, underlying database used, mail servers etc.


Here we interacted with the target system with an aim of identifying vulnerabilities. We persistently sent malicious code in input text boxes and HTTP requests. We also used scanning tools to see opened ports etc. and record all these response.

Gaining access

We identified vulnerability and that was by implanting malicious code to the system while sending the HTTP request.

Maintaining access

We maintained access by tricking the system that it is using a secure connection by injecting a malicious code when a request is sent, the server views as if it is sending request on a secure connection (HTTPS).

Penetration Testing analysis and report planning

All other aspects of the website application and the system are secure but it is easier to get into the system by putting a malicious code while sending an HTTP request.


This paper is a recommendation to management of the organization about security standards, policies, and procedures which should be implemented in the organization JJ People. JJ People is an organization that deals in software development. The organization specializes in programming software with one particular programming language, Java and anything related to Java such as spring framework which makes it easy to create java enterprise applications etc.

Importance of security plans, policies, and procedures

A company’s security policy is the central repository where intangibles such as corporate philosophy, mission, statements, culture, attitude to risk and other difficult to define parameters can finally be made into enforceable, measurable action statements, procedures and ways of working.

Policies are important because they address pertinent issues, such as what constitutes acceptable behavior by employees.

Procedures are clearly defining a sequence of steps to be followed in a consistent manner, such as how the organization will respond to any policy violations.

Data Privacy Policies and Procedures


The purpose of the data privacy policy is to protect the information of an individual from being accessed by another person without their consent


The data privacy policy applies to employees, vendors, service providers, and clients whose data is stored in the organizations’ servers.


This policy is enforced by Compliance Management of the organization


JJ People respect the privacy of its employees, clients, vendors and sees the need for appropriate protection and management of personal information. JJ People is guided by the following guidelines while processing personal information


JJ People provides clear notice on the purpose of why the information is being collected


JJ People gives users a choice on whether to opt out of further processing of their information etc.

Accountability for the processing of the personal information

Data integrity

JJ People will only process information to the particular purpose that it was intended.


Any person who does not comply with this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action, termination of employment or even legal action.

Data Isolation Policies and Procedures


This policy deals with the isolation of data from unauthorized users


This policy applies to data that is stored in the database server of the organization


The database administrators are responsible for enforcing this policy


Data should be saved in the database and needs to be protected from unauthorized users


Users should be provided rights and privileges in accessing the data, the ones with lower privileges should access minimal data.

The data should be encrypted so as not to be read while being transferred over the network

The data should be password protected

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Policies and Procedures


The Non-disclosure agreement policy explains how employees should treat organization confidential information. Employees will view, receive and work with organization data and this may be information that gives the organization a competitive edge.


The Non-disclosure agreement policy applies to all employees including contractors who work at the organization premises and are authorized to access organization information.


This policy will be enforced by senior management of the organization


Failure to adhere to this policy will lead to disciplinary action, and/ or termination of employment or even legal action.


Not all employees can access confidential information

There will be various levels in place for accessing confidential information

Information such as unpublished financial information, data of customers, patents, markets and pricing information is considered confidential information


Confidential information should be shredded when it’s not in use

Confidential information should always be locked away

Only share confidential information with fellow employees when it is necessary and authorized

Confidential information should be kept inside organization premises

Intellectual Property (IP) Policies and Procedures


The purpose of the Intellectual Property (IP) is to come up with a structure for the ownership, reporting, and commercialization of Intellectual Property.


This policy applies to all employees of the organization


The organization encourages creative work, research and learning and the Intellectual Property created out of this research is recognized as a valuable asset to the organization

The organization recognizes that any commercialization of Intellectual Property created by an employee, the employee is entitled to an equitable share to any financial returns provided by this commercialization.


The organization will own any Intellectual Property invented or created by an employee during employment

The organization will not claim ownership of any Intellectual Property created by an employee outside the course of employment if the employee did not use organization resources to come up with such Intellectual Property

Password Policies and Procedures


The password policies and procedures define the guidelines and use of passwords in place. A poorly formed password may bring great damage to the organization such as denial of services due to the network being hacked.


The password policies and procedures will include all employees who have been issued an account and can access the company’s network using this account. It also includes visitors and contractors who have been given temporary access to the organization’s system.


Every user of the system must have a private identity when accessing the organization’s network

Users should not share their passwords

The system should have a mechanism of locking out the user if a password fails after two attempts

The user should change the password every fortnight

All workstations and devices that access the network such as routers, switches, and mobile devices should be password protected

A password should include letters, numbers and special characters and should not be less than ten characters long

Policy enforcement

This policy will be enforced by the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and failure to adhere to it will lead to an individual being denied access to company’s system and IT assets.

Acceptable Use of Organizational Assets and Data Policies and Procedures


The acceptable use of organizational assets and data policy explains how the organizational assets should be handled


This policy applies to all organizational assets such as desktops, laptops, mobile devices, servers, network equipment, operating system, software, furniture, stationery etc.


This policy will be enforced by Chief Security Officer (CSO) of the organization.


All IT assets must be used for the intended use and by authorized users

Every employee is responsible for the correct use of asset he / she has been assigned

All users handling IT assets must have prior training

Any disposal of assets must be done in accordance with the organizations’ procedure

All data needs to be backed up daily in an incremental fashion

Full back up of data will be done every fortnight

Employee Policies and Procedures (Separation of Duties/Training)


The employee policy shows how the employees are meant to conduct themselves


The employee policy applies to all employees of the organization


The employee policy will be enforced by the human resource management


Failure to adhere to this policy will result to disciplinary action. It may also result to termination of employment and / or criminal charges.


The employees are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner within the organization premises or when representing the organization.


Employee shall abide by applicable laws, regulations and all standards

Employee shall meet the stipulated individual performance

Employee shall maintain the confidentiality of the organization’s information

Risk Response Policies and Procedures


The purpose of this policy is to manage risks that arise from threats to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s data.


This policy applies to the information system and the electronic data that is created, stored and transmitted over the network by JJ People


All information systems must be assessed for risk that may result to threats to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

Risks identified by a risk assessment needs to be mitigated

Every information system must have a security plan that is prepared using input from risk, security and vulnerability assessments


The Information Security Administrators (ISA) need to ensure that their business units conduct risk assessments

Chief Information Security Officer is responsible for assessing and mitigating risks

Compliance (Regulatory, Advisory, Informative)


The purpose of compliance policy and procedures is to have an effective governance of the organization while adhering to policy and procedures and the law.


The compliance policy applies to all employees and clients of the organization


The organization is committed to complying with all relevant legislation and obligations.

The organization has its headquarters in Europe and thus it is mandated to comply with Europe’s General Data Protection (GDRP)

The organization compliance management identifies compliance obligations and assesses them


Behaviors that encourages and support compliance is encouraged

Training is done by the compliance management on compliance obligations

Incident Response Policies and Procedures


The purpose of the incident response and policies and procedures is to define IT roles and responsibilities that deals with investigation of computer security and data breaches


This policy applies to information system of the organization


The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) has the mandate to detect and investigate security breaches

The CSIRT oversee the recovery, containment and remediation of the security incident detected


This policy will be enforced by the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).


Do not power off or log off the affected IT asset

The affected IT asset should be labeled so that other users do not touch it

Ensure the affected IT asset is not connected to the network

Document on how the incident was detected, actions taken, type of data affected, and lessons learnt.

Auditing Policies and Procedures


Auditing policy ensures that organization’s performance is assessed while using several policies, standards, metrics, or regulations. The audit may include, looking at the organizations’ governance, IT controls etc.


The auditing policy applies to organization business units, assets, governance of the organization and security at large


Internal and external auditors are responsible for conducting audits


Various audits need to be performed and they include

  • Compliant audits

  • Environmental audits

  • Information technology audits

  • Operational audits

  • Performance audits

Environmental/Physical Policies and Procedures


Information processing facilities that are critical to the organization’s day to day running will be put in a secure area that is defined by security perimeter and access controls. The control will enable access to authorized people.


This policy will be enforced by the senior management of the company


This policy applies to all business units and contractors working at the organization’s premises and need access to the information processing facilities.


Failure to comply with these policies may result to disciplinary action or even termination of employment


The company has put in place the following standards to enforce this policy.

Company will always have CCTV installed and in place

Offices that are not in use should be under lock and key

Server room will always have heat sensors installed and in place

Users will always access the business premises and rooms using an electronic identification badge

Administrative Policies and Procedures


The administrative policies and procedures provide a set of rules by which and organization is governed.


The administrative policy will be enforced by the senior management of the organization


The policy applies to employment of personnel, vacation time, sick leave, dress code, firing and promotion of personnel


Failure to adhere to this policy may lead to disciplinary action or even termination of employment


New employee shall pass through a probationary period of six (6) months

If the performance of the employee is not satisfactory during the probation period, the employee contract shall be terminated at any time

If an employee completes the probationary period, he / she will be given a confirmation letter within a duration not exceeding two months after the probation period.

Salary of an employee shall be adjusted as deemed necessary by the organization upon considering the following criteria:

  • Performance of the employee

  • Educational background

  • Work experience

  • Work intensity

Regular working hours will be determined based on the conditions of the work and will not exceed 40 hours a week

Working hours will be 8.00 A.M to 5.00 P.M and a break of one hour will be observed between 12 P.M and 2 P.M.

Public holidays shall be observed by all employees of the organization and will be in line with the Country where the organization is located.

Public holidays shall be holidays with pay

Employees who have completed their probation period are eligible for sick leave and should inform his/her supervisor within 24 hours of the same day.

Configuration Policies and Procedures


The configuration policy is to protect the organization data and information systems by ensuring consistent configuration of devices across


This policy applies to all information systems which include bot not limited to, routers, firewall, switches, servers, printers, desktop, laptops etc.


The network and systems administrators are the ones to enforce this policy


The organizations’ systems that process and transmits data must be configured in accordance to appropriate standards and in the right manner

Before being deployed into production, a system must meet applicable standards.