The next step in the project is to create a final project summary for the project sponsors. Use what you learned in the Weeks Two, Three, and Four Individual assignments to create a final summary for

The SQL type that is in use is DML this is because there is need to manage data that is within the table object of the government scholarship. This SQL will enable for the retrieval of data from table, insertion of data into the table, and updating the data that already exist with new ones within the table. It allows or delete that records from table and for the merging, lock table and call explain plan.


| permission [ ( column [ ,name ] ) ] [ , password ]

[ ON [ class :: ] securable ] TO principal [ , pasword ]

[ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS principal ]

The population plan which i used was the use entails all the necessary values within the segments.

The table one of the databases will entail the School Title. The next will entail the types of loans that followed by direct loan and as the subsection of the in population the table, there will be the grants after which the teach grant will also be populated.




















The best practices that were incorporated in this project entails the consideration of relationship because the database table are based on relationship. The second attribute is the aspect of performance despite the query being seemingly simple. Further there is the use of table aliases for easy reading and the clauses are specific for security purposes. There is the use of nocout because the queries are large and the SQL is not dynamic therefore there is less chances of an attack. Lastly, objective security has been on the forefront in the development of the SQL.